Don’t forget that today Artificial Incident updated today as well! You can use the link on the left side bar (If you are on desktop mode, it’s under the comments section on mobile!) or just go to!

Don’t forget that today Artificial Incident updated today as well! You can use the link on the left side bar (If you are on desktop mode, it’s under the comments section on mobile!) or just go to!
Long life, and having absurd amounts of power.
Also, that looks like it might hurt a bit.
“Thank you for the sword. I think I’ll take it… and it comes with a free hand! Neat”
Unlike us death isnt a end to them. Its more like a slap in the face, or not even that. At worst its a annoyance to them as they just get reborn. Its like he just someone to tease her to make her mad.
All caught up again! Happy to see that Yosh! and AI are still going ❤️
That was a mistake.
Sword: Immobilised
User :Very close proximity
doesnt even count as a flesh wound until he loses a limb or two.
Wondering what kind of demon-magic trick (I hope) he’s using.
Bye Axel, was nice knowing you!