Friday and Monday will be Christmas filler! So if you don’t come back for those, merry Christmas and happy holidays! New Years filler the Friday after that- then Monday of the new year will be a regular update! So- Happy new year too

Friday and Monday will be Christmas filler! So if you don’t come back for those, merry Christmas and happy holidays! New Years filler the Friday after that- then Monday of the new year will be a regular update! So- Happy new year too
Kate haven’t been confused for a while already
That’s why it’s a recording of emotion taken from them and replicated, not their current feelings.
aaah, as I suspected. Nice, I wonder how that works
Such a well-fed succubus. She seems to be enjoying her diet, too.
Thanks for the update, Sage!
It’s the simple things in life.
Okay now I am just pondering what would terrify Axel with regards to what Demoness would eat from Phil besides his Embarrassment
Mhm- I didn’t think I needed to say this but- Demoness prefers these emotions to contain the extra spice of- usually being sexual. So, Blue Frustrated sexually, Kate’s sexual attraction to men and women, Toyoko’s sexual feelings for Shiden that she can’t seem to express, so the last one would be Phil being… – and if you followed along you should now get the joke in full. XD
Well, you know what they say, Sage.
“There are two kinds of people in the world: Those who can extrapolate from incomplete data.”
This feels like this dialogue could have been delivered by the entire Yosh! fanbase.
Heh that second to last panel! She’s really having fun teasing Axel!
dang, that’s incredible
Recorded emotion is good enough, but they can´t compare to emotion fresh from the source.