Not for her to make fun of, but she doesn’t seem inclined to do that.
Thanks for the page!
soooooo…, does she swing both ways or is that a fetish?
She hasn’t shown any explicit interest in any men yet, but her comment on page 2666 that Blue being a lesbian was “Kinda boring, being Bi or Omni is so much more fun”, does rather strongly suggest that she swings more than one way.
She’s an immortal. She’s probably tried practically every conceivable combination.
There’s nothing hot about normalizing emasculation of males in society. Nothing.
What “emasculation”!? Phil is embracing his inner (and outer) female gender choice. And make no mistake, it is his choice to make. (Also, feeling threatened is a surefire way of embracing emasculation. But that is an analysis for another day.)
*Phil uses femineity on Yuki. It is effective.* Go, Phil!
Bro never seen a scotsman.
Hell Dresses were originally a manly thing cause …well you could easily pee while standing, for very obvious reasons
*scrutinizes panel 3* Are you sure? Evidence seems to indicate otherwise.
I know, right? Sleel comes off as one of these guys who pretends they’re an “alpha male” (as if people who use that phrase ever mean anything besides being a toxic male, which if there are different ranked male genders like alpha, sigma, whatever like that, it would be whatever’s the lowest ranked one). f
Those types get their masculinity all in a knot whenever a guy is hot.
Just saying, given the amount of toxic masculinity in the world right now, a lot of folks could use a little emasculation.
This is sarcasm. If you take it seriously, that’s entirely on you.
Nothings being normalized. The guy rocks the maid outfit and sleeps with 2 women and can crush monsters with a stick. Guy doesnt need jeans and a F-150 to be manly. When he needs to “man up” he can man up and stay emotionally connect to his friends and family.
Yes. I’m constantly amazed by the implicit idea that having a broad behavior palette means you have to lose (?) or devalue any of it. If I put on bath slippers at the beach,. does that mean I can’t use proper shoes in the city or that I somehow “emshoed” myself!?
not gonna lie… even though i dont think i swing his way – phil has legs for days^^
Not for her to make fun of, but she doesn’t seem inclined to do that.
Thanks for the page!
soooooo…, does she swing both ways or is that a fetish?
She hasn’t shown any explicit interest in any men yet, but her comment on page 2666 that Blue being a lesbian was “Kinda boring, being Bi or Omni is so much more fun”, does rather strongly suggest that she swings more than one way.
She’s an immortal. She’s probably tried practically every conceivable combination.
There’s nothing hot about normalizing emasculation of males in society. Nothing.
What “emasculation”!? Phil is embracing his inner (and outer) female gender choice. And make no mistake, it is his choice to make. (Also, feeling threatened is a surefire way of embracing emasculation. But that is an analysis for another day.)
*Phil uses femineity on Yuki. It is effective.* Go, Phil!
Bro never seen a scotsman.
Hell Dresses were originally a manly thing cause …well you could easily pee while standing, for very obvious reasons
*scrutinizes panel 3* Are you sure? Evidence seems to indicate otherwise.
I know, right? Sleel comes off as one of these guys who pretends they’re an “alpha male” (as if people who use that phrase ever mean anything besides being a toxic male, which if there are different ranked male genders like alpha, sigma, whatever like that, it would be whatever’s the lowest ranked one). f
Those types get their masculinity all in a knot whenever a guy is hot.
Just saying, given the amount of toxic masculinity in the world right now, a lot of folks could use a little emasculation.
This is sarcasm. If you take it seriously, that’s entirely on you.
Nothings being normalized. The guy rocks the maid outfit and sleeps with 2 women and can crush monsters with a stick. Guy doesnt need jeans and a F-150 to be manly. When he needs to “man up” he can man up and stay emotionally connect to his friends and family.
Yes. I’m constantly amazed by the implicit idea that having a broad behavior palette means you have to lose (?) or devalue any of it. If I put on bath slippers at the beach,. does that mean I can’t use proper shoes in the city or that I somehow “emshoed” myself!?
not gonna lie… even though i dont think i swing his way – phil has legs for days^^