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I agree with Toyoko, crime is a weird hobby.

That said, I hope Kate can get some protection. 😟

Playing ninja isn’t that weird.
Doing it extralegally against a target with known (if not provable in court) affiliation with a murderously violent hate group would be a bit dangerous if they were baseline humans. But since they are superpowered android girls, it’s just added fun. Wouldn’t even get Phil and Kate in trouble since they had no idea that their friends were planning a raid. And the fact that the target was technically a government agency wouldn’t really cause problems since the government would be obligated to cover everything up to avoid the media firestorm that would result if it became publicly known that some of their employees were members of what would be called a terrorist group if it’s actions made it onto the news.

It is a comic and as such it has comics rules, it is common to suggest crimes left and right.

That is not a problem, but should be pointed out for anyone’s peace of mind. “Children, don’t try this at home!” The problem comes if people try to make a rationale outside the comic world setting (which I don’t think you are).

Bunch of racist radical jerks are messing with their sweet friend and likely others. Hell yeah, in their place I’d be up for “extra legal activities” to make things right.

If nothing else they should do *something* so this illicit BS is found out and there can be repercussions. For example maybe leak it to some news media to shine a spotlight on it and make it a public scandal or some such.

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