And this is why we had a whole page devoted to having Yuki learn about Kate’s mom a while back! 😀
Sometimes it’s good to have a quasi-deity as a friend.
Yuki definitely “adopted” Kate and would go mama bear on that deserving lady who used to be called Kate’s mom.
For those who know the backstory this is a line that will get wholehearted appreciation and support. For those who don’t it’s probably equal parts concerning and terrifying, probably more so if/when they learn that she could actually do it quite simply.
Really Yuki continues to be wholesomely offputting in the way only a benevolent immortal can be and you just have to love her for it.
And if a soul may not enter Heaven… Well.
Give them a carved turnip with an everlasting candle, and let them look for redemption.
And this is when she demonstrates just how frighteningly powerful this cute little shortstack really is.
And with a smile.
I mean, can we still do that anyways?
I really want to see Kate’s egg-donor and her group to show up for their demonstration or whatever they have planned just to see how unbelievable outmatched they are.
If they show up thinking this is the wedding between two ordinary people they’ll be surprised to find that Kate and Phil are on first name basis with just about the most powerful people in the world, financially and certainly magically.
Agreed, hoping she and her cadre crash just to realize how much the universe considers them wrong. Because when this many people across this many zones align like that it definitely feels like the universe is saying you are wrong.
To recap, their friends include
– The four most powerful mages for each of the primary elements
– The most powerful demonic mage
– The most powerful celestial mage
– Two (formerly) evil children
– A metric crapload of ninjas
– Several thousand robots
– An old guy who uses magic to keep in shape (only their friend by proxy haha lol i’m so funny)
– One of 5 people in the world who knows how to use magic rocks, is also rich
– News woman (never underestimate being able to control a narrative)
– And of course a fox goddess
“Yes, do something, just- trrry it.” – Everyone in the comments XD
I. Am. Inevitable.
Left out Demon King Penpen
Not sure I approve of that plan, but sure as hell not going to get in the way of it.
Give her an unguided tour of PenPen´s new realm.
“Deny her … with satisfaction” sounds pop-Celtic.
[Yes, part of my comic reading currently includes spurious visits by Slaine. “My approach will be furious, rapid and I may as well add fatal.”]
Does she really have that kind of power?
To send her to the afterlife? Definitely. To deny her at heaven’s door? If she is the door person of the time that should be an easy case of yes. So its just is she capable of moving there faster than a soul.
This is easy enough to solve, if she isn’t fast enough to get there before the soul she just needs to make the death slow enough to give her a sufficient head start.
A bit extreme, but then again Kate’s mom did do some pretty horrible things to her after Kate became a chimera.
I’m still hoping for a moment of horrified recognition that her daughter is still alive but now will never want to see her again.
That would require her to acknowledge to herself that she is a bad person, so I don’t see it happening
Also the lady escalated to serial killer after joining the hate group/cult
now we just need Axel or better yet ‘PenPen’ in his “ruler of hell” guise to say something of the same sort about Kate’s mom. where does one’s soul go if both heaven and hell reject you for being too evil?
You get Lobo Calrisien of the DC universe, Jack O’ Lantern of the fae mythos, and The Headless Horseman, just to name a few that come off the top of my head.
Note to self, NEVER anger a fops deity
oh no, context Yuki! I don’t think they are up to speed on Kate’s mom situation. without that info this remark is very alarming.
Phil is right there to explain, at least.
I really like Yukis eyes in the last panel. They look very expressive and determined.
Also, they seem to be from Yukis anthro-form, aren’t they? We don’t get to see that too often.
Sometimes it’s good to have a quasi-deity as a friend.
Yuki definitely “adopted” Kate and would go mama bear on that deserving lady who used to be called Kate’s mom.
For those who know the backstory this is a line that will get wholehearted appreciation and support. For those who don’t it’s probably equal parts concerning and terrifying, probably more so if/when they learn that she could actually do it quite simply.
Really Yuki continues to be wholesomely offputting in the way only a benevolent immortal can be and you just have to love her for it.
And if a soul may not enter Heaven… Well.
Give them a carved turnip with an everlasting candle, and let them look for redemption.
And this is when she demonstrates just how frighteningly powerful this cute little shortstack really is.
And with a smile.
I mean, can we still do that anyways?
I really want to see Kate’s egg-donor and her group to show up for their demonstration or whatever they have planned just to see how unbelievable outmatched they are.
If they show up thinking this is the wedding between two ordinary people they’ll be surprised to find that Kate and Phil are on first name basis with just about the most powerful people in the world, financially and certainly magically.
Agreed, hoping she and her cadre crash just to realize how much the universe considers them wrong. Because when this many people across this many zones align like that it definitely feels like the universe is saying you are wrong.
To recap, their friends include
– The four most powerful mages for each of the primary elements
– The most powerful demonic mage
– The most powerful celestial mage
– Two (formerly) evil children
– A metric crapload of ninjas
– Several thousand robots
– An old guy who uses magic to keep in shape (only their friend by proxy haha lol i’m so funny)
– One of 5 people in the world who knows how to use magic rocks, is also rich
– News woman (never underestimate being able to control a narrative)
– And of course a fox goddess
“Yes, do something, just- trrry it.” – Everyone in the comments XD
I. Am. Inevitable.
Left out Demon King Penpen
Not sure I approve of that plan, but sure as hell not going to get in the way of it.
Give her an unguided tour of PenPen´s new realm.
“Deny her … with satisfaction” sounds pop-Celtic.
[Yes, part of my comic reading currently includes spurious visits by Slaine. “My approach will be furious, rapid and I may as well add fatal.”]
Does she really have that kind of power?
To send her to the afterlife? Definitely. To deny her at heaven’s door? If she is the door person of the time that should be an easy case of yes. So its just is she capable of moving there faster than a soul.
This is easy enough to solve, if she isn’t fast enough to get there before the soul she just needs to make the death slow enough to give her a sufficient head start.
A bit extreme, but then again Kate’s mom did do some pretty horrible things to her after Kate became a chimera.
I’m still hoping for a moment of horrified recognition that her daughter is still alive but now will never want to see her again.
That would require her to acknowledge to herself that she is a bad person, so I don’t see it happening
Also the lady escalated to serial killer after joining the hate group/cult
now we just need Axel or better yet ‘PenPen’ in his “ruler of hell” guise to say something of the same sort about Kate’s mom. where does one’s soul go if both heaven and hell reject you for being too evil?
You get Lobo Calrisien of the DC universe, Jack O’ Lantern of the fae mythos, and The Headless Horseman, just to name a few that come off the top of my head.
Note to self, NEVER anger a fops deity
oh no, context Yuki! I don’t think they are up to speed on Kate’s mom situation. without that info this remark is very alarming.
Phil is right there to explain, at least.
I really like Yukis eyes in the last panel. They look very expressive and determined.
Also, they seem to be from Yukis anthro-form, aren’t they? We don’t get to see that too often.
Upset not the heavenly mama fox.
Always pass on what you have learned