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Wow.hard decision:bed with a hot catgirl or sit at the computer…..
Would you even think about it?

I ‘d probably go with the computer just because I play computer so much. Though I might go to bed later on.

You sir, are a very foolish person.

Hey Phil…she’s half naked and I’m not sure she’s wearing anything below the waist. Don’t argue about going to bed.

She’s wearing black panties, that is not a stripe where the leg starts to block her lower stomach XD

yet you needed to point that out and the title is ‘
Who Wears The Pants?’

American v British English in America the word “Pants” = “Trousers” if that was your confusion

The undergarment she’s wearing is also commonly called “panties”, being short for underpants.
lowtens point is valid.
I immediately assumed it was underpants and not a stripe, but also understood it could be mistaken for a stripe.
But lets be honest, either way when she gives an order like that you obey. 😉

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