Thank you everyone for all your support for these many years! I’ve gotten great opportunities to learn, practice, tell stories, draw cute/sexy/funny/spooky pictures. I’ve had lot’s of ups and down, along with so many of you. Y’all should know, I don’t like begging for stuff, I don’t like asking for stuff, and generally, I’m not going to. You are all ready for what I’m about to say next- BUT – hehe – yeah. I want to keep doing this as long as I can. Now- Not Yosh! exactly. Yosh! has an end, and we are well into the final acts of it. Now, I expect it to be 3-5 years before Yosh! Is over, and when it is, maybe I will try something else with it, maybe I will do rework, or just move on or do some cute stuff. I haven’t decided yet. My other comic though still has a long ways to go! If you do want to help out, well I still have my patreon but it is also a huge help if you can let other people know about the comic OR- and here’s a special one- If you found or find your comics on a list site or from a certain place, let me know! I need to find new ways to let people know about my work. Twitter is not a site for growth atm, Blusky is new but still having some issues growing an audience (but you can find me there at ). I’ve been very fortunate to have enough friends and been in the right place at the right time to get by, but that’s going to dwindle, and has. As you can tell, I’ve gotten older, and I don’t understand the young folk anymore- XD I dont know how to promote my work! It’s always been a weakness. So- If you can, help me out. Feel free to comment, or join Blusky- send me a message, or email me- people still use email, right? XD
Thank you all so much for everything. Hope it continues and I hope you all continue to enjoy my work, and I hope I can keep doing it. And I Hope and I Hope- and now im thinking about Hope from Baldur’s Gate 3! YEAH! If you get it you get it- if you dont- maaaan BG3 is so good-