Couple things today! As always- Stream tonight! 9pm EST on Picarto! Here is the link!
Second thing! Artificial Incident is back up! There is still some work to do on the site but mostly it’s back up and running! Check it out here!

Disruption to her power core(s), called it! (Didn’t realize/remember she had more than one)
Now for the rest of the details~
What about extending the handle and having Phil hold onto the extension?
Please don’t make this Kate’s weapon. There are too many female characters with whips. Kate deserves something more creative.
No reason to be worried about that, I would never make this Kate’s weapon.
Duel power units? Is she a time lord?
Also wow Phil is really girly in panel 4.
Her body is military grade. Having a second, backup, power supply. Especially for what requires additional power (as seen in the fight with Lilith) makes sense to have atleast two.
That was a joke
Say isn’t Anna usually a “little” smaller?
Now just to find out if this can be used to fight vampires.
ANother moment when Phil reminds us that he’s friggin intelligent. I love how special he can be lol