Kate doesn’t want to dwell on AI’s in movies and rather focus on Pizza, speaking of hopefully she actually eats some as it’s probably getting cold…

Kate doesn’t want to dwell on AI’s in movies and rather focus on Pizza, speaking of hopefully she actually eats some as it’s probably getting cold…
They still can rip your leg off bare-handed
More seriously tho, no more nor less dangerous than any human could be with a weapon.
Can Phil lose limbs? I mean, if he has effective physical immunity….
they can still to drown him, or kill him by starvation
oh, he’s immune. other people aren’t.
Bwahahahaha. <3 Nami
And this right here is why I would put myself into an android body. lmao
Backlit eyes, for nighttime reading
I don’t think that’s quite how that works, but it’s cool nonetheless.
That’s actually almost exactly how it would work. Although the pupils shouldn’t be backlit. Making the whites (and maybe iris) glow is like placing LEDs around a camera. It’s how IR night security cams work.
I think it’s perfectly funny, Phil.
That was easily the best possible response! Ah, Nami, we love you!
Cold pizza is still good pizza.
It seems Blue is rubbing off on Nami a bit more then bargained for… Should we run for the hills yet?