…and this is where everyone reading either says something or very carefully says nothing.
Ain’t gonna lie, it was tempting.
Not everyone.
…{ahem} BOOBIES!!!! {giggle}
There, now I’ve said it for everyone else that was thinking it. (Even though personally I’m a C-cup kitty; like they said in Weird Science, “anything more than a handful and you’re asking for trouble!” -_^ But since many guys [and more than a few girls] like big bazongas, well…)
Is that a note of jealousy I hear, nyao? >-_^< Considering that when a normal two-legger does weird stuff, people look at them like they're crazy, while when we kitties do weird things, people just roll their eyes and sigh "typical for a cat…"
Merely an observation, kitty cat, though perhaps one with a little amusement behind it.
(now where did I put that catnip?)
Catnip? Catnip? WHERE, nyao? I need my fix! GIMME!!!
{ahem} I mean, please may I have some, nyao? -_^
If you like. (dangles a small packet high overhead…)
(Sproing! CHOMP!) Fank ‘Oo! {scampering off with catnip packet between my teeth}
Yes, white kitties can too jump! -_^
C-cup, eh? Nice, most attractive size. Attractive, shapely curves, without making your figure appear top-heavy and/or off-balance.
Right where there’s plenty to appreciate without there being too much of a good thing. Perfection.
In case of emergency they may be used as a flotation device.
better to me safe, than sorry
This has been here two days and nobody said anything about “even if it isn’t an emergency”?
I am surprised at the restraint shown by the Internet.
ty for the chap xD
worded nicely XD
Technically she has grained weight along with her powers
Swimming slower is such a drag.
more surface area = more water resistance so not that strange that she swims slower.
Ehem, buoyant. *nose bleeds.
…and this is where everyone reading either says something or very carefully says nothing.
Ain’t gonna lie, it was tempting.
Not everyone.
…{ahem} BOOBIES!!!! {giggle}
There, now I’ve said it for everyone else that was thinking it. (Even though personally I’m a C-cup kitty; like they said in Weird Science, “anything more than a handful and you’re asking for trouble!” -_^ But since many guys [and more than a few girls] like big bazongas, well…)
For some reason, you remind me of this: http://www.zapcomic.com/comics/zap/20040416b.jpg
No idea why, I’m sure.
Is that a note of jealousy I hear, nyao? >-_^< Considering that when a normal two-legger does weird stuff, people look at them like they're crazy, while when we kitties do weird things, people just roll their eyes and sigh "typical for a cat…"
Merely an observation, kitty cat, though perhaps one with a little amusement behind it.
(now where did I put that catnip?)
Catnip? Catnip? WHERE, nyao? I need my fix! GIMME!!!
{ahem} I mean, please may I have some, nyao? -_^
If you like. (dangles a small packet high overhead…)
(Sproing! CHOMP!) Fank ‘Oo! {scampering off with catnip packet between my teeth}
Yes, white kitties can too jump! -_^
C-cup, eh? Nice, most attractive size. Attractive, shapely curves, without making your figure appear top-heavy and/or off-balance.
Right where there’s plenty to appreciate without there being too much of a good thing. Perfection.
In case of emergency they may be used as a flotation device.
better to me safe, than sorry
This has been here two days and nobody said anything about “even if it isn’t an emergency”?
I am surprised at the restraint shown by the Internet.
ty for the chap xD
worded nicely XD
Technically she has grained weight along with her powers
Swimming slower is such a drag.
more surface area = more water resistance so not that strange that she swims slower.
Insert floation devices joke here