When you just waled on the guy and beat him down, the part where he is unharmed and even looks a bit bored as he gets right back up ought to inspire just a little bit more in the way of reexamining one’s tactics, I think.
She’s quite lacking in the ability to recognize her own limitations and has a majorly over-inflated ego and feeling of self-worth. Phil will need to absolutely crush her just to have a chance of causing her to reevaluate her actions and behavior.
Didn’t he technically already do just that?
Oh right… she was still on auto-pilot then.
Unbreakable? Just like a certain clear gemstone. Cue roundabout.
“I can’t beat the shit out of you without getting closer.”
I have a feeling Lilith may end up “Biting Za Dusto”
If you’re referring to diamonds… those are actually quite brittle. Give them a slight tap in the wrong place and you will have a bunch of fragments. They also burn quite nicely. They are, however, extremely resistant to cuts/abrasion and to chemicals. Just some random Goldsmith facts
I always love seeing people who are full of themselves getting owned.
Who doesn’t?
It’s even more poetic when the beat down is delivered by someone they consider beneath them.
Is this a JoJo reference?
Is it? I dont remember that.
while not really a Reference it does make me think of stardust crusaders. He has that same air of calm that Jotaro Kujo does before he hands someone their own ass.
When Jotaro fought DIO, DIO asked why he was approaching him rather than running away. Jotaro responded with the line “I can’t beat the shit out of you without getting closer.”
again its not like Phil has a reason to have a broken sprite, he knew coming in he was slower and weaker then her. it also appears Lilith doesn’t understand how much pain Phil is feeling here. she’s acting like he’s feeling the full force of her hit when its more likely to be closer to light taps to Phil.
The average anime character in that situation tends to get up while brushing themselves and derides their attacks as ‘feeble’ or similar and declares how such pitiful blows will never defeat them.
Everybody here is convinced that Phil is going to turn this whole thing around, like he’s been toying with her, but like you say, he knows he slower, weaker, and his spirit won’t really be broken by the imaginary pain from this beating. What I hope comes out of this, is him finally having his Magi communion, like with the other magi, finally getting in contact with his power, and not just reacting.
i’ll agree I’m hoping for a power up ( maybe not full connection) but even being slower and weaker Phil would still win this fight just because of who his opponent is. honestly if it was any other robot girl Phil would lose because they’d know when to walk away but Lilith doesn’t. Lilith is a hot head she’s not going to take him brushing off her attacks well for long. she’s used to people being afraid of her, she even expected that from Phil here. sure she’s excited now because she thinks being playing it tough but once she realizes there is nothing she can do to stop him from getting up, nothing she can do to make him fear her…
well that’s going to make her mad, worst that going to make her scared and she’s going to slip up/lash out to him and that’s when i expect Phil’s new power up to kick in all honestly
If anything, that’s a sort of training
I can just see this exchange happening –
Phil: You will never, EVER, defeat me with that form.
Lilith: Oh, yeah? What do you call the last five minutes?
Phil: Pity.
The eyes in the last panel really sell this idea.
“Well of course I got back up. I wasn’t going to beat you from down there.”
I’m definitely going to use that line if the situation comes up in my D&D sessions.
I don’t expect this to happen, but it’d be sweet if Phil has learned to control his null abilities more and just flutters Lilith’s core to give her a heart attack.
Or uses his power to just cut off the power to her arms and legs. I can imagine the reaction and it is hilarious.
I just realised something, his eyes are like that of one punch man, the same eyes Saitama has.
When you just waled on the guy and beat him down, the part where he is unharmed and even looks a bit bored as he gets right back up ought to inspire just a little bit more in the way of reexamining one’s tactics, I think.
She’s quite lacking in the ability to recognize her own limitations and has a majorly over-inflated ego and feeling of self-worth. Phil will need to absolutely crush her just to have a chance of causing her to reevaluate her actions and behavior.
Didn’t he technically already do just that?
Oh right… she was still on auto-pilot then.
Unbreakable? Just like a certain clear gemstone. Cue roundabout.
“I can’t beat the shit out of you without getting closer.”
I have a feeling Lilith may end up “Biting Za Dusto”
If you’re referring to diamonds… those are actually quite brittle. Give them a slight tap in the wrong place and you will have a bunch of fragments. They also burn quite nicely. They are, however, extremely resistant to cuts/abrasion and to chemicals. Just some random Goldsmith facts
I always love seeing people who are full of themselves getting owned.
Who doesn’t?
It’s even more poetic when the beat down is delivered by someone they consider beneath them.
Is this a JoJo reference?
Is it? I dont remember that.
while not really a Reference it does make me think of stardust crusaders. He has that same air of calm that Jotaro Kujo does before he hands someone their own ass.
When Jotaro fought DIO, DIO asked why he was approaching him rather than running away. Jotaro responded with the line “I can’t beat the shit out of you without getting closer.”
again its not like Phil has a reason to have a broken sprite, he knew coming in he was slower and weaker then her. it also appears Lilith doesn’t understand how much pain Phil is feeling here. she’s acting like he’s feeling the full force of her hit when its more likely to be closer to light taps to Phil.
The average anime character in that situation tends to get up while brushing themselves and derides their attacks as ‘feeble’ or similar and declares how such pitiful blows will never defeat them.
Everybody here is convinced that Phil is going to turn this whole thing around, like he’s been toying with her, but like you say, he knows he slower, weaker, and his spirit won’t really be broken by the imaginary pain from this beating. What I hope comes out of this, is him finally having his Magi communion, like with the other magi, finally getting in contact with his power, and not just reacting.
i’ll agree I’m hoping for a power up ( maybe not full connection) but even being slower and weaker Phil would still win this fight just because of who his opponent is. honestly if it was any other robot girl Phil would lose because they’d know when to walk away but Lilith doesn’t. Lilith is a hot head she’s not going to take him brushing off her attacks well for long. she’s used to people being afraid of her, she even expected that from Phil here. sure she’s excited now because she thinks being playing it tough but once she realizes there is nothing she can do to stop him from getting up, nothing she can do to make him fear her…
well that’s going to make her mad, worst that going to make her scared and she’s going to slip up/lash out to him and that’s when i expect Phil’s new power up to kick in all honestly
If anything, that’s a sort of training
I can just see this exchange happening –
Phil: You will never, EVER, defeat me with that form.
Lilith: Oh, yeah? What do you call the last five minutes?
Phil: Pity.
The eyes in the last panel really sell this idea.
“Well of course I got back up. I wasn’t going to beat you from down there.”
I’m definitely going to use that line if the situation comes up in my D&D sessions.
I don’t expect this to happen, but it’d be sweet if Phil has learned to control his null abilities more and just flutters Lilith’s core to give her a heart attack.
Or uses his power to just cut off the power to her arms and legs. I can imagine the reaction and it is hilarious.
I just realised something, his eyes are like that of one punch man, the same eyes Saitama has.