(For the super geeks – Scarlet Witch whispers… “No more title names.”)
Don’t forget to check out Artificial Incident over at ai.katboxad.net!
Also – Trying something new for the Twitter and Facebookness-

(For the super geeks – Scarlet Witch whispers… “No more title names.”)
Don’t forget to check out Artificial Incident over at ai.katboxad.net!
Also – Trying something new for the Twitter and Facebookness-
“Quickly, future daughter! Tell me some winning lottery numbers!”
7, 9, 13, 23, 42.
They just don´t appeaer at thesame time.
What happened to disqus?
Looks like the tail-bristling algorithm is working correctinly.
looks like they’re trying a new formatting looks horrible here for text color
also hope the fix the profile icons so I can stop being 2 letters away from the f word
It got replaced by the inferior Vuukle. Which is inferior by nature of its lack of Twitter integration (which is how I usually prefer to login to these things), is overly complicated, cluttered, and apparently, does not suit anything with a dark background without heavy CSS modification.
Didn’t like when LFG and LICD switched to it, not a fan of Yosh! and AI switching to it, either.
Well, this is not the comment system I recall seeing a short while ago. (The part where it even has a character limit seems..eh. Whatever. 3k’s probably enough. Wonder if it allows either BB or html tags…)
And no names per page anymore! Wow much changes to structure.
Comic itself’s still the same though. Most important part’s still good. We’re good. (
We’re working on it but Disqus had it’s own slew of problems. Personally I wasnt a fan of how they added video and Flash ads that auto played even after we had disabled it before. We’re trying stuff out.
I feel like blue is making fun of Nami and also slightly serious don’t know why
on a side note I prefered the comment system that let me log in with disqus because it notified me on other sites when someone commented on my comments but what ever it’s the who ever owns the sites decision
Cute cat, must hug~
I see you ditched disqus, finally. Good.
New comment system looks interesting. Not super fond of the color choices, though I’m sure that can be fixed with some CSS tweaks. Also the whole scroller needs a background color, so it will overlay the Phil and Kate images. Right now they interfere with the text, making it that much harder to read.