Fair enough, it’s why the grumpy neighbor has all those baseballs, basket balls, and that pile of soccer ball fragments…. On a somewhat related note, does anyone know why soccer balls seem to home in on rose bushes so much?
cool remote glove is cool ding!
I forget did Axel have that before or is the Phantom hand thing new?
I think he’s summoned whole magical armor sets before, and he wore it directly when he was in Hell.
really? I don’t remember that hmm it was a while ago that they went to hell . . .I wonder how Penpen is doing?
Fair enough, it’s why the grumpy neighbor has all those baseballs, basket balls, and that pile of soccer ball fragments…. On a somewhat related note, does anyone know why soccer balls seem to home in on rose bushes so much?
cool remote glove is cool ding!
I forget did Axel have that before or is the Phantom hand thing new?
I think he’s summoned whole magical armor sets before, and he wore it directly when he was in Hell.
really? I don’t remember that hmm it was a while ago that they went to hell . . .I wonder how Penpen is doing?