Streaming tonight at 9pm EST on!
ALSO! Heads up! The Katbox is probably going to be down for some time on Monday! We don’t know how long yet but we are basically doing a bunch of fixes and its going to require the server go offline for a while. If you see weird stuff- report it to us or otherwise ignore it and come back later.
And finally! The Dakis for Artificial Incident! They are still for sale and I have a few of the Kaylin Daki’s still availible! If you are interested email me at with the subject “Daki” and tell me your paypal email (hopefully you will email me from that email but not everyone uses the same email for Paypal so just covering everything) and give me your country (not your address- i prefer that information to be transferred through Paypal invoices and not my business email). The Country will tell me how much it costs for shipping. The price of the Pillowcase is 40USD and Shipping in the US is 5USD. Canada is 16USD, Australia is 24USD, most other countries should fall in the 16-30 range but I did learn shipping is going up at the end of this month! It will be going up by around 10% so I may need to increase my costs for shipping a little bit after this month.
Here’s the preview image if you missed it previously.

It’s all in the hips
All I have are the following four words: Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass.