If the site looks strange to you, then that’s perfectly normal! My site Artificial Incident and Yosh! are connected on the back end a lot more now, and we did some emergency renovations of sorts to get the AI page looking spiffy. Easiest way to do that and to make fixing up Yosh! later was to well- have the changes effect everything! Then we just need to make some modifications to the Yosh! side! And by “we” I mean Mihari because If I did it, I would break something.

Well okay. She’s taking this better than expected.
Not sure if that is good news or bad news.
O_o She… She just threatened to kill everyone if he didn’t tell her everything about his new friends. That’s… better than expected? XD
That’s better than “I know you betrayed us, now die.”
Yes, because the expected reaction was going straight to the murder option without threatening it first.
I mean life and death know about the null right? cause they have memories from their past lives? How would they react to phil being involved with ever magi but them?