Streaming Tonight at 9pm EDT over at! Book is almost ready to go to print. Trying to get it sent to the printer This Weekend.

Streaming Tonight at 9pm EDT over at! Book is almost ready to go to print. Trying to get it sent to the printer This Weekend.
Death certainly seems to be taking that humongous realization in stride.
Now the question is, will she decide Phil’s not a threat, or will she want to kill him simply because he’s “The Null”, even if he’s not the same person?
Yeeeaaaa, I’m betting toward the latter, “I really overplanned, my revenge will be so easy!”
I was thinking she might try to convert him to her side.
My guess would be she “returns the favor” that the previous Null did to her and Life.
My question now is: Why did death think the Null’s reincarnation would be like her’s and Life’s rather than the other Magi?
Was the last Null’s life span longer, so she though she was dealing with multiple Nulls rather than one Null that was semi immortal?
Death has history of forgetting that the inheritors of magic don’t get the memories of their predecessors:
Progress !
I am so so so so praying that Death here goes “So, he doesn’t want to kill us… We don’t have to fight desperately for our lives? OKAY GUYS, world conquest is cancelled. Let’s go get some cupcakes!”
But in reality we all know she’s going to be all “Perfect, I can now conquer world and imprison Null somewhere eternally to prevent him from ever stopping my eternal rule over these puny mortals!”
you know if she does that she is going to have to fight Shiden and possibly PenPen