Don’t worry, he wore his explosion proof pants. The explosion proof shirt and undershirt chafes. Also don’t forget to check out Artificial Incident! Over at (It redirrects to the Katbox page but it’s easier to put in than the long url).

34. If you’re leaving scorch-marks, you need a bigger gun.
This may become a 44, 10, 11 situation. Blow a hole through the island. Lien seems to have the gun for it.
Next he’ll go all Krilin and blind them with his head’s sun reflection
Bullet proof,naked monk..RUNN!!
I have a better suggestion. NUN!!! Just get a sufficiently attractive individual to flash him. The distraction should provide an opening. Well. He might be ace. But sage hasn’t had one of those in yosh! Yet. Then again, this might be the “ace” up his sleeve for the twins.
-Meoi Lass
When that bald head reflects more then lasers……
Okay. Proxy is worth mentioning. (Wasn’t sure before.)
Wellp. I kinda assumed this sort of thing all along. Did nobody else see this one coming?
Would he be immune to the “make a hole under him, then plug the hole” trick like Phil is?