Oh right- There are other things going on besides the fight with Proxy! Gotta hit on those things too or else people will think everything’s not happening at the same time. 😛

Oh right- There are other things going on besides the fight with Proxy! Gotta hit on those things too or else people will think everything’s not happening at the same time. 😛
Do not know if its been asked before, but how does Death’s magic effect the android girls; they have something like a soul, but are not technically alive. Will it just cause them to shutdown until they can be recharged or will it destroy the phalicary(?) in their head?
I’m avoiding answering that question because the answer is actually complicated. But it’s probably going to be brought up over and over so I’ll just say this, androids are not totally immune to what Death can do.
I imagine the question in-universe is rather similar to “do I have immortality?”
Maybe you do, maybe you don’t, but do you really want to test it?
Immortality is one of those fun powers that can be good or bad, depending on several factors. The first and most important factor is HOW their immortality functions. The next most important factor is what powers (if any) come with it.
and if Immortality is the only thing you got your . . .screwed?
It would depend on how exactly your immortality worked.
As an example, say your immortality was granted via say “your soul is placed inside an artificial shell” then your biggest concern is keeping that shell in good condition. The shell gets damaged, you risk losing your immortality. If it gets destroyed, well duh, you’re dead.
So yeah, it would depend on exactly HOW your immortality functions. There are lots of ways to be immortal.
Emi’s back! Happy days.
Pardon, I know I’m late, but 1st panel, “absobring” mana –> absorbing