Alright! The convention was great, had a ton of fun until – well I got sick and had to leave early… It was great seeing a bunch of my friends and a bunch of people I had never met before other than online.

Alright! The convention was great, had a ton of fun until – well I got sick and had to leave early… It was great seeing a bunch of my friends and a bunch of people I had never met before other than online.
Looks like Proxy didn’t do his homework and is suffering the consequences…
To be fair, I don’t think that’s something he could have looked up with anything resembling a reasonable amount of effort. These folks don’t seem to have much in the way of a spy network, and those not-entirely-human ladies are actually pretty fair at keeping things under wraps, what with not needing to worry about things like folks leaking things to their families at dinner.
how could anyone do that? Everyone that knows anything sensitive about the girls lives with them?
That’s why they don’t need to worry about that.
I don’t think Proxy has needed to do homework in a few millinia
Guess he haven’t check his updates in a while too?
Life & Death are effectively that old, but is Proxy? Have we had any age-establishing comics for him?
OOF, you dun goofed now
“I’m looking through you, as though you’re not there.”
Sucks about leaving the convention early due to sickness. I’ve had to do that a couple times. So much to do, so much to see, and not enough time. But being sick can suck out all the fun that you’d have at a convention. Hope you feel better soon, man.
As to the comic … it’s now kind of obvious he’s more used to fighting one on one and isn’t used to enemies that coordinate their attacks to find his weaknesses and then exploit them.