We’ve got some changes coming up in the next few months or so. The Katbox hosting is winding down but all the comics will still be online, we’ll be moving around but the Katbox site as a place to gather on the discord and links and such will still be around.
Yosh! Will be reachable at well- a bunch of links but the main one is yoshsaga.com!
Artificial Incident will be reachable at Artificialincident.com . I’ll also have another website that I’ll link you all too once it’s up and ready.
Remember you can help support me on Patreon here https://patreon.com/yosh
Send me some money on Paypal here https://paypal.me/sage25
I even have a Ko-fi Page here! https://ko-fi.com/sage25

is Lilith running toward or shaking her fist at Axel?
Also, fire breathing (spewing?) robot!
Honestly, probably both, just to emphasize how much not-here she wants to be, and how right-here-instead Axel should be.
Run or burn baby something……! Its to early for puns.
Disco Inferno – The Tramps
Fire – Arthur Brown
Burning Love – well, might not fit here, don’t think any love is involved, …
I could make a list.
…..you already did, actually…..
Please don’t taunt them further, I don’t need more song titles listed just because they are loosely related to heat or fire. XD
Have this one https://youtu.be/WUhOnX8qt3I?t=44
I work for a radio station, I could go overboard but am very well trained to not be a troll.
Can’t believe no one said Uptown Funk