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The mind boggles, doesn’t it Death.
Why hasn’t she made the connection, that long ago, her past self made the null very upset, and so he killed her over and over and over… She is at the precipice where all she has to do is tell him, “i just tried to kill your fiance” and she will have another long hole in memory.
I don’t think Death *has* an identity other than her Element – if the Null so much as touches her, she gets to roll up another character
Au contraire, Miss Death. You should never underestimate hope.
I love how he just turned the usual deal with the devil, that he and his own would be left alone so long as he abandoned everyone else to suffer, completely on its head, so effortlessly! It warms the heart!
I mean, if that sort of deal was going to be made, then they wouldn’t be having this little confrontation to begin with. No, Phil and his friends aren’t here just for themselves, but for everyone who would be caught in her and her brother’s path. It’s an ideal worth aspiring to, the basis of the social contract as well as the purpose of laws: to hurt *one* of us is to hurt *all* of us. The world will be a lot better off when the human family, as a whole, lives in accordance with that.
Establishing that they do have a price, but it’s higher than Death is willing to go for. exactly what a good first offer should do
“I’d like to buy the world a coke, and keep it company, …”
Considering the deal she just tried to make…I dunno, little bit of the pot calling the kettle black?
they have only been reactionary till this point
Yes they can. Example: Phil.
(Slight probable exception for Cortex, not that they’re aware of that.)
jeez I stop reading for a week . . . okay serious comment now:
Death Meet Phil
She really is anal about the dress code