Psst! ‘Ey! You! Yeah you! You like webcomics? Did you know I have another webcomic? You didn’t?* (*If you did you know where this is going already) you should check it out! It updated today over at

Psst! ‘Ey! You! Yeah you! You like webcomics? Did you know I have another webcomic? You didn’t?* (*If you did you know where this is going already) you should check it out! It updated today over at
‘its life force grew’, not ‘it’s life force grew’. But other than that, another excellent page.^^
Got it! Thanks for the typo catch!
Life is lucky… yet, methinks he feels even more overwhelmed now than he did two seconds ago!
Having super powers that give you hyper awareness and various weird senses doesn’t help to much when you can’t even mentally process what the heck you are looking at. It mostly means that you realize that it is WRONGWRONGWRONG all the faster.
Sometimes superhuman senses suck. They can work against you. Especially when you get overwhelmed by smells outside the range of human limits. Or hearing sounds that are unpleasant to human ears, and you can pick them up. Someone blows a dog whistle in range of you and you can hear it. Just a couple examples of how they can mess your life up.
I’ve seen that used against characters in tabletop RPGs and have used it against players in tabletop RPGs.
How does Life not know what an outsider is? How has he, in all his life times, not encountered or hear of outsiders? Or has he just forgotten about them because he has too many memories?
Outsiders are from before the Magi. The few issues with outsiders on Earth while Magi were around, were quickly dealt with by the celestials. The common story is “The celestials came, slew the ‘demon’ and returned to heaven.”
I would imagine that by the time any earthling became aware of it, it had already been reduced to ash and various chunks. So even if he got a report, it would just be written off as some fight between celestials and the much more common demons.
Well, I was wondering how long it took the celestials to arrive. That actually took longer than I thought, panel-wise. Just look at all those text-walls he managed to think before they came hurtling on the scene.
Well, considering the aforementioned “pact”, it’s possible the celestials were waiting until ALL of the outsider had left Axel’s body.
It pays to be thorough in cases like this.
Yeah, they had to make sure it was out of Axel and far enough away to not cause collateral damage to Axel.
The moment you realize that it´s you against basically the entire world xD
Yeah, that’s a serious brown pants moment for anyone. Only someone with genuine godlike power, people with delusions of godhood, or an ego the size of bill gates wallet could realize that and not be affected at some level.
Couldn’t the celestial wait a few minutes … I wanted to see ‘life’ get beat up.
I think he’s been beaten enough. I mean, realizing that even the Celestials are allied at some level with the Null is a brown pants for hostile Magi. That leaves Hostile Magi with … nothing except their own power. Yeah, I think he’s had a brown pants moment there.
I don’t think I would want to know what happens if a powerful magi filled to the brim with delicious, nutritious life force gets infected by this kind of thing.
So is it getting stronger with time or does it have Hydra-like powers?
What was the pact with the Null again?
That the Celestials would not attack the Null or his Friends. They also want to study the Null’s ability as they feel it may help with their defense of the universe from the Outsiders.