I would say send him to the demon realm, but they should not have to deal with this dolt either.
she reversed the gravity on him didn’t she?
I KNEW IT! I knew he was going to come from above because that was the perfectly natural choice for him to make! But Kate! Oh, that c l e v e r little cat! That’s exactly what she wanted! And whatever she just did, she just took down one of the most powerful magi with a little trickery! Most excellent!
Considering that Life has demonstrated he’s a bit of a one trick pony in a fight, defeating him isn’t that hard once you learn how to counter the trick. If you’re the creative sword, a space ripping sword could be extremely dangerous. But it seems he’s relied on it so far for nothing more than surprise attacks via teleportation or to bypass normal defenses. Because he can bypass most normal defenses he probably hasn’t really taken the time to learn anything more than the basics.
Bleh. Autocorrect! Should be creative sort not creative sword!
True, you are correct.
To clarify what I meant, I did not say Life was particularly competent, or experienced, or clever. Merely powerful. As evidenced by how he cut straight through Axel, one of their big guns, with relative ease, and survived getting hit by that outsider creature.
Kate has her ears and her wits to work with, and she’s done exceptionally well against a powerful enemy she barely knew anything about.
I think there is a good chance Kate has just opened a portal to the Celestial Relm and it will dump him in the middle of one of the three planes (hopefully the infinite plane) because I do not think Life will be able to get directions.
Mental note: Don’t pick fights with Kate, ‘specially when she’s armed and ready. Whatever she just did to Life, looks like he’s out of the game for a while!
If you’re referencing what I think you are, I would add that you should bring her a strawberry sunrise…
It’s a good song, but Kate is nowhere near as aggressive as Yang! I was more thinking about all the orihalcum jewelry she has infused with spells and I deeply suspect she may have been briefed on how the twins fight by one of the magi on their side. That or she just figured Life out really quick!
All their songs are good
He shouted, “Impossible!”, in a fight. He’s doomed.
no, he yelled not possible, so he not doomed….yet. unless Kate sent him to if that golden aura around her is any hint then I think she just sent life to a very hard realm, remember she did get taught by a celestial to use a celestial spell betting its a combat teleport spell
that only costs an arm sometimes
… as Battle couples go, Phill and Kate are an interesting pair (but follow the old trope of “Guys smash and girls shoot”).
let’s be fair. If Phil could shoot magic he TOTALLY WOULD.
Honestly if he didn’t have the Null I could easily see them in reverse positions. We do know that Kate is by far the stronger of the two. And given her supposed inability to use magic. I could imagine her taking up the android training sessions while Phil nerds over ancient magic tomes and they become a wizard/fighter duo. Instead of the tank/mage dynamic they’ve developed now.
Yep, Phil would love to be a wizard, and Kate’s winning this fight not just because of her magic but her cunning and her enhanced senses, both great skills for a fighter to have. They are both playing the roles they were given, not the roles they wanted.
These things happen.
I can not deny, that is a cute face Kate is putting on in the last bottom panel.
I would say send him to the demon realm, but they should not have to deal with this dolt either.
she reversed the gravity on him didn’t she?
I KNEW IT! I knew he was going to come from above because that was the perfectly natural choice for him to make! But Kate! Oh, that c l e v e r little cat! That’s exactly what she wanted! And whatever she just did, she just took down one of the most powerful magi with a little trickery! Most excellent!
Considering that Life has demonstrated he’s a bit of a one trick pony in a fight, defeating him isn’t that hard once you learn how to counter the trick. If you’re the creative sword, a space ripping sword could be extremely dangerous. But it seems he’s relied on it so far for nothing more than surprise attacks via teleportation or to bypass normal defenses. Because he can bypass most normal defenses he probably hasn’t really taken the time to learn anything more than the basics.
Bleh. Autocorrect! Should be creative sort not creative sword!
True, you are correct.
To clarify what I meant, I did not say Life was particularly competent, or experienced, or clever. Merely powerful. As evidenced by how he cut straight through Axel, one of their big guns, with relative ease, and survived getting hit by that outsider creature.
Kate has her ears and her wits to work with, and she’s done exceptionally well against a powerful enemy she barely knew anything about.
I think there is a good chance Kate has just opened a portal to the Celestial Relm and it will dump him in the middle of one of the three planes (hopefully the infinite plane) because I do not think Life will be able to get directions.
Mental note: Don’t pick fights with Kate, ‘specially when she’s armed and ready. Whatever she just did to Life, looks like he’s out of the game for a while!
If you’re referencing what I think you are, I would add that you should bring her a strawberry sunrise…
It’s a good song, but Kate is nowhere near as aggressive as Yang! I was more thinking about all the orihalcum jewelry she has infused with spells and I deeply suspect she may have been briefed on how the twins fight by one of the magi on their side. That or she just figured Life out really quick!
All their songs are good
He shouted, “Impossible!”, in a fight. He’s doomed.
no, he yelled not possible, so he not doomed….yet. unless Kate sent him to if that golden aura around her is any hint then I think she just sent life to a very hard realm, remember she did get taught by a celestial to use a celestial spell betting its a combat teleport spell
that only costs an arm sometimes
… as Battle couples go, Phill and Kate are an interesting pair (but follow the old trope of “Guys smash and girls shoot”).
let’s be fair. If Phil could shoot magic he TOTALLY WOULD.
Honestly if he didn’t have the Null I could easily see them in reverse positions. We do know that Kate is by far the stronger of the two. And given her supposed inability to use magic. I could imagine her taking up the android training sessions while Phil nerds over ancient magic tomes and they become a wizard/fighter duo. Instead of the tank/mage dynamic they’ve developed now.
Yep, Phil would love to be a wizard, and Kate’s winning this fight not just because of her magic but her cunning and her enhanced senses, both great skills for a fighter to have. They are both playing the roles they were given, not the roles they wanted.
These things happen.
I can not deny, that is a cute face Kate is putting on in the last bottom panel.
Later Hater!