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Well played.

Don’t suppose you’d be willing to say what the language is at least?

Not sure it is a laugae, but if it is a real laugae it porbaby either babalonian, mesopitan, or sandskirt. If it is a fantasy laugae, my guess would be atlantian.

What i want to know is which script or combination of scripts you used?

Some of the characters like ワ or ー almost look Japanese to me, but there’s plenty of others that don’t have that same look.

No luck with google translate or various other “recognize this symbol by drawing it” type of programs that I tried.

It’s called the Alphabet of the Magi. It’s not a language, just a weird font.

“Father? Where are you? Daddy? I don’t want to go in the pod. It doesn’t feel right! Wait, this isn’t the castle. Who- who are you? Why are you touching my arm? Where is my father?! Where is my father! Is he ok?!”

It looks like the girl Death was originally forced into has been along for the ride and dormant this whole time.

Yikes! Thank you for translating, that poor girl.

Hmmm, I guess this may lead some credence to some people’s theories that it was Death, the magic element, controlling Death’s body. And not the actual Magi.

mmm i think it’s more the original magi somehow “Save” their memories into the pod she mentions, and they force kids with the right affinities to “load” said memories, but i’m wondering is she actually of a bloodline loyal to the Five magi, or was she adopted by proxy for that purpose? remember the elements Created the Null in an act of rebellion to the Fives Tyrannical reign.

My five cookies is that she’s practically been used as a doll to keep an old ideology alive. Basically forcing her to don a mantle of actions her ancestors felt was justified, for whatever reason. Be it that they were assaulted and needed a death machine (literally), were dying off and needed power to become immortal (control over life and death), or were just douchebags who felt they’d be better if their ideal empire (AKA one ruled by tyrannical magic control) would be the one to last eternally.

Hmm, glad i kept that runic translation matrix from Magience. For anyone wondering what she said, it was
Where are you?
Daddy? I don’t want to go in the pod.
It doesn’t feel right!
Wait, this isn’t the castle.
Who – who are you?
Why are you touching my arm?
Where is my father?!
Where is my brother?!
Is he ok?!

Well, !@$&. I should have expected this.

We all knew this would probably happen, but of course we weren’t positive. There were still other routes he could have taken in regards to Death & Life. Still, its a nice complication for Phil to deal with. It makes Life’s return even more interesting and dramatic.

… and things are now going to get more complicated… just how long has the sentient magic knownasdeathbeen in control…

Phil used Lay on Hands. And here I thought he was an Alchemist.

He only laid one hand on her.

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