Couple things to let y’all know about this time! First off- Next week will be Christmas Fillers! Hope you all have a great holiday with whatever you wanna celebrate. Next up, I’m gonna be in the hospital on Monday for a bit, I’ll probably be fine, it’s mostly testing. And finally- I’ll be streaming tonight at 9pm EDT over at!

Sage, comic is not displaying for chrome (at least).
Can confirm, no page showing in Chrome
Same on safari, it doesn’t even show up as a resource in inspector mode
Noticed a typo in the last panel. Possitive should be changed to positive.
Not sure why that was a reply, but okay.
Also Firefox
Until Sage gets it fixed, you can find the image at
Thanks Sora XD
Thanks Civ- yeah I did upload it but it didn’t link properly. Thanks for pointing it out. I would have noticed it sooner but I got caught up in trying to finish some work before the weekend hits me hard.
But yeah, typo on positive in the last panel.
wow I am almost never here before the typos get corrected
Yep- i went to bed before i got a message about a typo! Probably thanks to the image not being connected and fixing that after 4am!
The twins eyes are very sparkly. They remind me of oil slicks.