This was a long time coming, so it was about time to just do it. . . That was not an intentional pun. Streaming tonight at 9pm EDT!!

This was a long time coming, so it was about time to just do it. . . That was not an intentional pun. Streaming tonight at 9pm EDT!!
Wait, this actually happening or is this a non canon side, can’t think of a holiday this month, but the sudden scene change and how to the point it is screams how sage does holiday side stories. Definitely a long time coming but so suddenly addressed.
Yeah, it was supposed to lead more in with the Movie night thing, If I were doing 3 comics a week I would have done this in 2 parts- but since im not splitting it into 2 parts would have been- well just mean to people seeing where it was going and then not see any kind of in-comic payoff. Time line though it’s correct- it’s later in the day after the movie night. Nami “slept in” after the busy time from the previous day and stayed up late for the movie night.
This is cannon. This happened. It’s in line with the time, but it does feel abrupt- if you didnt see the last thing with the twins as what it was- a last joke with them before moving on as everyone else moved on.
Welp. It has a comic number. It’s cannon. Also wheeeee. <3
That is usually a good indicator of being cannon. XD
So glad to see my second favorite couple have some fun.
Now it should only be another 1-2 years until Kate and Phil marry and have some fun as well.
Personally I would like to know what sexy dream Nami had that caused this
It’s after their movie night, but if you go back, it looks like Blue’s Shining dream might have bled over to Nami, as the last panel on that page is lingering on a sleeping Nami.
Wait. Was this their first time (shown in the comic)?
No. This was Nami’s first time period. Blue, up until Nami, would have been going out.
I’m happy it finally happened, but at the same time I’m disappointed we missed the best parts…
Well. … It took them long enough. Or, it took you long enough, sage. Thanks for the page. Although, it feels s little rushed, all in one page, but that might be for the best, as Naomi might have backed out if she didn’t jump right in.
…next time, she needs to wear her special ears, and her tail…….
-]Meoi Lass[
It’s not really done, but considering the content obvious things needed to be rushed and as I said before, it felt like it was in my best interest to not do a cliff hanger on this “promised payoff”. Did y’all really want to see another Friday comic ending with “Ok- im ready for sex now- lets do it-” and then start Monday off with “Wow- that was great sex.” The only thing i can see from that that would be funny would have been “I can’t believe we started having sex on a Friday only to be finished on a Monday” – in which case Blue would probably be dead…
Kiss Kiss Fall in Love!
(I know they were already dating I just love that song)
But hooray!
I see people thought it was rushed, but I feel like this was practically inevitable. Also, what a way to make a scene change
Awwww, I’m glad to see this finally happen. Nami has needed some lovin’ for a while. 🙂
Huh. Blue should let her hair down more often.
Stupid sexy flanders XD
Pretty sure sex was on the bed, not the table