Michelle said it a while ago, but Phil thought Michelle was a lesbian, but as mentioned then and again recently, Michelle, like Kate, is Bi. Phil on the other hand is- complicated? Easily overwhelmed? Not great when it comes to dealing with sexual situations he’s unprepared for? He never even considered this as a possibility. We’ll continue to dive into this next time, because it’s fun and interesting. Also I need to build up some space before the next big events and do more setup. Might fit a role playing game bit in here too- they gotta play more Pathfinder in VR. It’s really unfair of me to make their gaming schedule so bad.

I second his reaction! XD
Damn, this whole thing has turned so dang cute. Thanks for a much-needed bright spot.
Phil.exe has encountered a fatal error and needs to reboot!
But man it would have been great if they had done this with Blue because then in the comments we could be like “great: they “Blue”screened Phil!
Phil is adorkable.
Keep one thing in mind folks. He didn’t say no to it. But fainting could make his reply to it very delay.
Presumably Phil is demisexual.
But I am reminded of a quotable quote an acquaintance of mine used as his forum signature:
“He has the determination that gods cannot break, he can face the most terrifying of demons without showing a trace of fear, and his strength in battle is unbeatable and he always fights for his friends. But shove a pair of tits in his face and he has NO IDEA WHAT TO DO. Yeah, sounds like a Shōnen hero.”
“Stick and stones might not break my bones”
“But the thought of a sexy time might break my mind”
Phil only has eyes for Kate. That’s why he isn’t interested in sleeping around.
Doesn’t mean he doesn’t feel aroused at the idea of a threesome with kate and another woman though
CRITICAL HIT! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=khfgXR3xUYw
It was then that Phil realized he had become the Harem Protagonist of his very own Anime. Unable to contain his shock, he collapsed in front of his naked cat girl fiancé and her hot blonde girlfriend while they giggled in delight.