First off, a quick reminder that Phil is extremely loosely based on myself at this point. Phil was originally based on a character from a story I made about my friends and I, and everyone was a caricature of themselves. So In Yosh! Phil is based on that version and long since spawned into his own character with some similarities that remain. Why am I saying all this? I just want you all to know- and this is very important, I don’t hide porn in my steam folder. It’s true. Oh also I’ll be streaming tonight at 9pm EDT over at 😀

Ha! I used to have a shortcut on steam that pointed to my preferred writing editor, that was renamed “HalfLife 3: Alpha”. I’d get so many messages from friends about it.
Great work and a good giggle!
Yeah, i remember sharing a computer with family members, wasn’t Steam, but i definitely stuck a folder in the corner of a legitimate folder.
I spy a Kaylin!
That was not meant to be a reply, stupid phone
So what does Kate’s porn folder look like? Fair’s fair. ;P
Michelle can just trust Kate to tell her, she doesn’t need to go searching for that. Phil is uniquely non-forthcoming with such information.
Well yeah. he is a super shy introvert when it comes to theae things. i relate.
Why hide the porn? Not like there’s anyone to judge him…
Phil writes Artificial Incident
Nah some guy named Sage does.
So i guess you’ll be writing yourself up a lawyer then? He did still both your Pen Name and you story after all. You can’t let that go.
So you’ve entered your own world twice? … … …There is a fifth dimension beyond that which is known to man. It is a dimension as vast as space and as timeless as infinity. It is the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition, and it lies between the pit of man’s fears and the summit of his knowledge. This is the dimension of imagination. It is an area which we call the Twilight Zone.
A safe place
There are just somethings we want to keep hidden, no matter how not bad they are. Besides, it’s kind of just how Phil is; i honestly can’t imagine him asking Kate to wear something married women wear for their husbands, even after they I’ve been married a couple years. Being casual about what he “likes”?
Now that i think about it, i can’t help but wonder if his feelings for Kate had anything to do with his like of Catgirls? Did her ears and tail help chose her, or did her not so fluffy tail tempt him to the Catgirl side of the Force?
Damn it this was supposed to be a reply to The Wise Mankey. I’m sure i hit Reply for his post.
Can we talk about how great Michelle looks in that loose shirt? Or is that an off-the-shoulder; I can’t tell.
Either way it looks great.
One of my friends likes to tell how one of his friends, back in high school, hid a porn folder on the school computer lab’s desktop by changing the name and icon to Internet Explorer, and nobody ever found it out
Nothing to say but
Nothing to say but (messed up the first try)
HAHAHA oh wow I LOVE how you Cameo’d Artificial incident in here. I hope that this ‘sexy party’ happens to bring about costume cameos of other adorable and fluffy Webcomic characters.
I spent a good solid minute laughing when I saw the moniter showing Artificial Incident.
“LOTS of elves and catgirls” implies that it is more than just Kaylin and Nyna though…. so curious.
I am wondering how Michelle is going to “work with” Phil’s attraction to “lots of elves and catgirls”.
Dress up as a elf while having Kate dress up more…D&D?