Wrapping up the “Let’s watch some anime” Arc
Also- this was not based on any pre-existing series. I know some people have mentioned similar things, but this was based on a story I was thinking about writing. I’ve got a lot of stories I wanna write and draw stuff for but unfortunately- I lack the time.

I mean, we’ve all seen enough anime to have seen stranger plots—with less explanation for why they’re so strange—be great shows.
for some reason I want to put Gurren Lagann and Kill la Kill in that category cause thinking back on it their plots made no sense were shallow as fuck when you really think about it
So does it qualify as soft core gender bending transformation?
considering the only thing we know about it is the name of the show I would say probably?
. . .how um how random was this anime pull that you threw up on their sage just curious?
That sounds like an awesome anime!
Even though it’s not based on something there MIGHT be a manga somewhere about it.