Few things! This will be explained more in the next page, was just important to set it up like this. For those who think they know where this is going- you’ll find out soon if you are right! For anyone who recognizes who this man is a parody of and thus knows where Phil is- congrats! You are a super nerd and I love you for it!
Oh and finally, no the city is not on fire behind him. I was playing around with painting abstract blurriness with different colors based on the sun hitting buildings that are brown and stucco-white, was looking at some refs for old buildings like that by the water and there was a lot of blown out blurry images that looked kinda cool in the background. So I went with it! So it’s not fire! Just… very bright and perhaps too extreme on the depth of field attempt!. . .
Sorry, but “lose brick”? Loose brick.
Thanks! Actually didn’t catch that one because – well I sent the page to be checked early- before I had the bubbles in! So that word had a black bar running through it! <_< Not a bright idea for me to send it like that but, I make dumb mistakes all the time! Thanks for catching it! Fixed now.
So basically he’s metagaming
Pretty much! As for why, you’ll see on Friday!
Whee, visit to the Yawning Portal…nice portrayal of Durnon.
Also, letting Wikis run your game is a hazard when someone in the party has read all the wikis.
pretty much but Phil respects the game too much to take advantage so it should be good right?
Are we in waterdeep
I love obscure references to things I never heard of, makes the century more interesting.