Phil put Nami in charge of the harder stuff based on her ability scores and personality, while it may have been more difficult for her- she was the right choice, being able to adapt and stay on task. While Kate might not be sure about any details and her skills aren’t for sneaking, Phil knows he’d get distracted because- he’s Phil. Blue- wears full plate armor… Don’t know if I have to explain that one- and Michelle, well the item she collected required it to be her and took time.

NGL, that’d be so handy for reading books at night.
paladin of Thom
The logic of clerics and paladins are strong with this one…
wait if she’s got glowing eyes what happens if closes her eyelids?
Well the light may come out her ears or nose maybe yess? Besides she is a walking night light right now.
Wait, Blue has angel wings? Blue? She’s no angel! More of an innuendo launcher. Hmm, she could try offering the draco lich some happy time…