If you feel disappointed by how easily the giant lava elemental creature got removed from the fight- that is how every DM feels when they finally get the party on a boat, send a Kraken after them, and both the Cleric and Wizard have Banishment prepared and just ends the fight immediately. Streaming tonight at 9pm EDT over at Picarto.tv/SageSaga!

“Its” should be “It’s” in the final panel. Contraction of “it is”.
And, yeah. Banishment is an annoying spell if you have summoned pets, but I remember one game I played in where we ventured into the Abyss itself and had a demon use Banish on us. That was not fun.
Thanks for catching that! Fixing it now!
begone THOT! XD
how many phases are their to this fight it’s starting to feel dragged out
Phase 3 should be the FINAL PHASE! XD As I know it feels like it’s dragging- although- i feel like if you read it all at once one after the other it doesn’t seem that long, but waiting week after week- and Monday will be a filler for 4th of July! XD
If you feel this fight is dragged out, then you haven’t played D&D… If anything this is going pretty quick without very much side banter, puns, or arguments ;).
Or read the comic strip Knights of the Dinner Table. I miss the old days of running or playing D&D where role playing was better than stat max out kiler pcs.