Going to be away this weekend at Anthrocon! So Friday will be filler- so will Monday but- you all probably knew that! (4th of July)

Going to be away this weekend at Anthrocon! So Friday will be filler- so will Monday but- you all probably knew that! (4th of July)
In Panel 2, would that be “is out” rather than “it out”?
Yep, got it, thanks!
I am speechless
It was bun to happen.
And thus Michelle’s insidious ploy comes to fruition! Through distraction, misdirection, (and appealing to her boyfriend’s love of RP), she tricked the hapless Phil into cleaning the apartment! Clearly we have another evil genius in the cast.
(I mean hey, if it works…)
Is that Major Froleytia from Heavy Object on the shelves there?
Nope- Hatsune Miku and Rem (Re:Zero) are the only figures on the shelf