Oh, is an ancient about to get involved? This could lead into some…. interesting results.
Being a kitsune of 9 tails, she could probably cast an illusion for an entire decoy wedding…
Smol Yuki is leveling up!
She needs it. Also, that perspective is … distracting. “My eyes are down here!”
Congrats on learning, you earned headpats
Hmmm, since Yuki is a Celestial maybe she could help officiate Phil and Kate’s wedding.
She’s a quick learner…
I guess some immortal people never lose neuroplasticity
If they can remold their bodies, likely not.
[New result there that adult brains have 30 % immature “silent” synapses yet, same as used in developing brains to learn new information. They are activated by the combination of a neurotransmitter and electric activity, so its both flexible and robust.]
I can’t help but think of my New Yorker (great)grandmother. Who, if she wasn’t an active globe traveler, would absolutely get in on gray hat hacking. For the gossip and the lulz. With the same world eating grin.
Somebody is in for intersting times, in the chinese sense.
Good on you, Yuki !
There is a cure for ignorance—education.
Thanks for another page, Sage.
Oh, is an ancient about to get involved? This could lead into some…. interesting results.
Being a kitsune of 9 tails, she could probably cast an illusion for an entire decoy wedding…
Smol Yuki is leveling up!
She needs it. Also, that perspective is … distracting. “My eyes are down here!”
Congrats on learning, you earned headpats
Hmmm, since Yuki is a Celestial maybe she could help officiate Phil and Kate’s wedding.
She’s a quick learner…
I guess some immortal people never lose neuroplasticity
If they can remold their bodies, likely not.
[New result there that adult brains have 30 % immature “silent” synapses yet, same as used in developing brains to learn new information. They are activated by the combination of a neurotransmitter and electric activity, so its both flexible and robust.]
I can’t help but think of my New Yorker (great)grandmother. Who, if she wasn’t an active globe traveler, would absolutely get in on gray hat hacking. For the gossip and the lulz. With the same world eating grin.
Somebody is in for intersting times, in the chinese sense.