Yuki can make her eyes glow too, but it does a different thing.
Heh, good to see kitsune are kitsune no matter the universe.
Thanks once more for the page!
ohmygosh! Chimerafy her! Cow Chimera! Big udders!
To misquote The Far Side: “Big udders are hard to draw.”
ooh, turning that whole terrorist sect into chimeras, that would be a delightful punishement.
Tho I’d gladly settle for plain frogs too.
Frog chimerae would be pretty fitting.
Played straight, you’d probably have a non-zero quantity of them who wouldn’t deal with that in rather gruesome ways.
Biblical retribution and punishment only feels good when you’re dealing it out.
Turn them into unicorns, then nobody will believe they exist, …
when are people going to learn that if you upset a higher being you are going to have a bad time. Also when did celestials get powers to change reality?
I will go against turning crazy mom into a chimera as she seems to be the type of unreasonable crazy where she might be driven to doing something really bad (of the self harm variety) if that happens. It won’t be the eye opening realization for her, it will be more of a “why has God forsaken me” kind of moment for her. Well, I think she would try anyways, probably be stopped though.
Good point! But by the same token they can’t turn her into a frog – she would croak.
The options are narrowing…
Croak, heh classic! But yeah I’m against the transformation thing regardless of what it might be.
Agreed, it would be unethical.
How about a simple curse. On the day of the wedding, she can’t find her keys, her purse, her phone, her cash or cards, her car refuses to start…Just a nice little curse of minor misfortune.
And we’re against the self-harm why?
Well let me answer that with another question: Would Kate appreciate her mother, despite their history, being driven to such an act? There’s more to situations like this than just keeping said mom from trying to ruin Kate & Phil’s wedding. Were Kate’s mom driven to self harm or (well I didn’t want to outright say it before) suicide by the action’s of Kate’s friends, that is something that would forever mar their relationship, possibly to the point where Kate and Phil move out of the apartments. Given what a pacifist Phil is too you can bet he wouldn’t be cool with it either.
For what it’s worth I would far prefer to see that Michelle, Nami, and Yuki simply disrupt and interfere with the plans of Kate’s mom and that group she’s involved with. Misdirect them, have them arrested and brought up on charges (Kate’s not the only chimera who they have quite likely illegally interfered with), perhaps do something similar to what the Patriot Guard Riders did to the Westboro Baptist Church when they tried to protest funerals, heck just holding the wedding in a secure location and making it invite only would do a lot to keep these people out. Actions like this would protect Phil and Kate without causing excessive harm to others and avoid undo stress to Phil and Kate.
I agree with the more important specifics! But I would also add a general notion that it is harm, same as other harm.
Personally I wouldn\t encourage it, besides the moral (or ethical, for organizations) dilemma. FWIW, the Uppsala Conflict Data Program (UCDP) statistics says that (major scale) conflicts has a global death rate of around 1 per 100.000, which is about the global death rate of suicides. In most societies not in conflict, the most dangerous person is the individual itself.
Oops! 1 per 100,000 – the keyboard switched to settings midtext and I missed changing back that typo as well.
Chimerafy the whole lot but put a 1000 true good deeds lock on it to change back. Then offer them a choice if they want to change if they hit it.
Are the full dive VR neck patches portable? Maybe a little midnight dreaming, of a reenacted Christmas Carol. But with 100% more living the life of a child chimera in a world of adults who hate you.
Her mom and her cohortes are messing with the Null and his chimera fiance, who has a billionaire weapon-happy friend, several powerful immortal friends not to mention a whole legion of androids… who are also their friends…, not to mention the demonic party, also friends and now they have a celestial on their side too who is, if for nothing else, in it for the mischief…
… they have no idea what they are going into, right?
To be fair they only know about Kate and none of the others. They would probably have collective apoplexy if they found out even a fraction of the truth about Kate and her friends.
There sadly are people who wouldn’t care. If anything, they would spin doctor it into casting themselves as the saviors of humanity against the billionaire consorting with demonic forces out to enslave the world! Yes, there are people that out of touch with reality that they would find a “proper” and “just” excuse to kill a living god.
nope. don’t forget the ninja clan, that are also friends, and Kate’s probable future Step Aunt who is a reporter
“What are we going to do about this terrorist attack on the wedding?”
“Make popcorn”
Actions… need. Not needs.
Apologies. These things matter to me.
Needs is correct because she’s not saying the cult need be stopped, but that Kate’s mother, needs to be stopped. They are not describing the cult, but just her mother, thus offering to turn HER into a frog, rather than turn THEM into frogs.
In that case it should be “her actions.. need to be stopped.” Or perhaps “these actions… and she needs to be stopped”
As it is, Kate’s mother is not the subject if the sentence. Her actions are.
Thanks for replying!
would it count as attempted murder if they shoot holographic decoys thinking they are real?
Intent does mater in most law codes. So if Kate’s mom was caught shot an illusion of Kate, thinking she was real, she could be charged with assault with intent to murder; even if the illusion was discovered afterwards.
This. IIRC they are somewhere is Virginia so that would be the relevant state laws to look up.
so trick them into shooting up a holographic (or illusion) decoy wedding,
I vote for Yuki’s Plan if that happens maybe she might finally accept that Kate is actually her daughter or you know go insane either or I see no problem
doesn’t get rid of the Cult
Magic living mask, or Magic Mirror.
This would short circuit attempts at self harm.
Much better idea Let her actions ever so slightly fail. Not so much that its obvious but just dont let her win even once.
Gaslight her into believing she is shit.
Scratch the previous one!
Even better : Let her relive Kates memories.
1 . She will know it was her daughter the entire time and not a SUS impostor
2. She will first hand experience that she was the real monster all along
Maybe a vision enhancement that shows spectral devil horns on people she sees *acting* monstrous, that grow with each such action…then when she looks in a mirror….
Had another thought this evening. Michelle and Nami are likely “correcting” the approval for Kate’s name change as part of what they are doing. So when that one cult member logs in to her computer the next day and sees that she’s gonna be like “What the heck?!” which is I hope quickly followed by something quite similar to this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ag56cwj5lwI
Plot Twist, dun dun duuun
Any plans the girls would have would have to prevent any further attempts on Kate or anyone else, and trigger a crack down on the cult and it’s resources, at the same time they would have to hide their own involvement. especially from Kate and Phil, not that they wouldn’t approve, but because they’d worry. It’s also probably best if Yuki isn’t directly involved, besides maybe some refinements should she choose to do so, as a demonstration of how sneaky and effective they can be on their own can earn them her favor, which would be more valuable than her assistance with Kate’s mother. Of particular note is her higher level and more intricate knowledge of magic, and her ability to perceive different types, including Phil’s null magic,
Forcefully turn Kate’s mom into a Kitsune Chimera. Make her have a taste of her own medicine permanently. Make the celestial kitsune be her master and force her to understand what she is doing is wrong.
Make her walk a mile in the shoes of her daughter and have her little cult suffer the same fate.
It is only fair and justified.
Neutral only happens when my friends are not involved.
Heh, good to see kitsune are kitsune no matter the universe.
Thanks once more for the page!
ohmygosh! Chimerafy her! Cow Chimera! Big udders!
To misquote The Far Side: “Big udders are hard to draw.”
ooh, turning that whole terrorist sect into chimeras, that would be a delightful punishement.
Tho I’d gladly settle for plain frogs too.
Frog chimerae would be pretty fitting.
Played straight, you’d probably have a non-zero quantity of them who wouldn’t deal with that in rather gruesome ways.
Biblical retribution and punishment only feels good when you’re dealing it out.
Turn them into unicorns, then nobody will believe they exist, …
when are people going to learn that if you upset a higher being you are going to have a bad time. Also when did celestials get powers to change reality?
I will go against turning crazy mom into a chimera as she seems to be the type of unreasonable crazy where she might be driven to doing something really bad (of the self harm variety) if that happens. It won’t be the eye opening realization for her, it will be more of a “why has God forsaken me” kind of moment for her. Well, I think she would try anyways, probably be stopped though.
Good point! But by the same token they can’t turn her into a frog – she would croak.
The options are narrowing…
Croak, heh classic! But yeah I’m against the transformation thing regardless of what it might be.
Agreed, it would be unethical.
How about a simple curse. On the day of the wedding, she can’t find her keys, her purse, her phone, her cash or cards, her car refuses to start…Just a nice little curse of minor misfortune.
And we’re against the self-harm why?
Well let me answer that with another question: Would Kate appreciate her mother, despite their history, being driven to such an act? There’s more to situations like this than just keeping said mom from trying to ruin Kate & Phil’s wedding. Were Kate’s mom driven to self harm or (well I didn’t want to outright say it before) suicide by the action’s of Kate’s friends, that is something that would forever mar their relationship, possibly to the point where Kate and Phil move out of the apartments. Given what a pacifist Phil is too you can bet he wouldn’t be cool with it either.
For what it’s worth I would far prefer to see that Michelle, Nami, and Yuki simply disrupt and interfere with the plans of Kate’s mom and that group she’s involved with. Misdirect them, have them arrested and brought up on charges (Kate’s not the only chimera who they have quite likely illegally interfered with), perhaps do something similar to what the Patriot Guard Riders did to the Westboro Baptist Church when they tried to protest funerals, heck just holding the wedding in a secure location and making it invite only would do a lot to keep these people out. Actions like this would protect Phil and Kate without causing excessive harm to others and avoid undo stress to Phil and Kate.
I agree with the more important specifics! But I would also add a general notion that it is harm, same as other harm.
Personally I wouldn\t encourage it, besides the moral (or ethical, for organizations) dilemma. FWIW, the Uppsala Conflict Data Program (UCDP) statistics says that (major scale) conflicts has a global death rate of around 1 per 100.000, which is about the global death rate of suicides. In most societies not in conflict, the most dangerous person is the individual itself.
Oops! 1 per 100,000 – the keyboard switched to settings midtext and I missed changing back that typo as well.
Chimerafy the whole lot but put a 1000 true good deeds lock on it to change back. Then offer them a choice if they want to change if they hit it.
Are the full dive VR neck patches portable? Maybe a little midnight dreaming, of a reenacted Christmas Carol. But with 100% more living the life of a child chimera in a world of adults who hate you.
Her mom and her cohortes are messing with the Null and his chimera fiance, who has a billionaire weapon-happy friend, several powerful immortal friends not to mention a whole legion of androids… who are also their friends…, not to mention the demonic party, also friends and now they have a celestial on their side too who is, if for nothing else, in it for the mischief…
… they have no idea what they are going into, right?
To be fair they only know about Kate and none of the others. They would probably have collective apoplexy if they found out even a fraction of the truth about Kate and her friends.
There sadly are people who wouldn’t care. If anything, they would spin doctor it into casting themselves as the saviors of humanity against the billionaire consorting with demonic forces out to enslave the world! Yes, there are people that out of touch with reality that they would find a “proper” and “just” excuse to kill a living god.
nope. don’t forget the ninja clan, that are also friends, and Kate’s probable future Step Aunt who is a reporter
“What are we going to do about this terrorist attack on the wedding?”
“Make popcorn”
Actions… need. Not needs.
Apologies. These things matter to me.
Needs is correct because she’s not saying the cult need be stopped, but that Kate’s mother, needs to be stopped. They are not describing the cult, but just her mother, thus offering to turn HER into a frog, rather than turn THEM into frogs.
In that case it should be “her actions.. need to be stopped.” Or perhaps “these actions… and she needs to be stopped”
As it is, Kate’s mother is not the subject if the sentence. Her actions are.
Thanks for replying!
would it count as attempted murder if they shoot holographic decoys thinking they are real?
Intent does mater in most law codes. So if Kate’s mom was caught shot an illusion of Kate, thinking she was real, she could be charged with assault with intent to murder; even if the illusion was discovered afterwards.
This. IIRC they are somewhere is Virginia so that would be the relevant state laws to look up.
so trick them into shooting up a holographic (or illusion) decoy wedding,
I vote for Yuki’s Plan if that happens maybe she might finally accept that Kate is actually her daughter or you know go insane either or I see no problem
doesn’t get rid of the Cult
Magic living mask, or Magic Mirror.
This would short circuit attempts at self harm.
Much better idea Let her actions ever so slightly fail. Not so much that its obvious but just dont let her win even once.
Gaslight her into believing she is shit.
Scratch the previous one!
Even better : Let her relive Kates memories.
1 . She will know it was her daughter the entire time and not a SUS impostor
2. She will first hand experience that she was the real monster all along
Maybe a vision enhancement that shows spectral devil horns on people she sees *acting* monstrous, that grow with each such action…then when she looks in a mirror….
Had another thought this evening. Michelle and Nami are likely “correcting” the approval for Kate’s name change as part of what they are doing. So when that one cult member logs in to her computer the next day and sees that she’s gonna be like “What the heck?!” which is I hope quickly followed by something quite similar to this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ag56cwj5lwI
Plot Twist, dun dun duuun
Any plans the girls would have would have to prevent any further attempts on Kate or anyone else, and trigger a crack down on the cult and it’s resources, at the same time they would have to hide their own involvement. especially from Kate and Phil, not that they wouldn’t approve, but because they’d worry. It’s also probably best if Yuki isn’t directly involved, besides maybe some refinements should she choose to do so, as a demonstration of how sneaky and effective they can be on their own can earn them her favor, which would be more valuable than her assistance with Kate’s mother. Of particular note is her higher level and more intricate knowledge of magic, and her ability to perceive different types, including Phil’s null magic,
Forcefully turn Kate’s mom into a Kitsune Chimera. Make her have a taste of her own medicine permanently. Make the celestial kitsune be her master and force her to understand what she is doing is wrong.
Make her walk a mile in the shoes of her daughter and have her little cult suffer the same fate.
It is only fair and justified.
Neutral only happens when my friends are not involved.