Axel and Tom have known Phil the longest, they know it’s not about the boobs, it’s those cute ears and tail/s- For Phil at least, I’m sure someone’s about the other assets.

Axel and Tom have known Phil the longest, they know it’s not about the boobs, it’s those cute ears and tail/s- For Phil at least, I’m sure someone’s about the other assets.
He totaly thinks the demoness had the lead here.
How sure are you that she didn’t?
So what I’m hearing is, for Michelle to fully integrate into the triad she needs a few furry changes made to her frame.
And even Axel is thinking Yuki is a shoo-in for becoming the fourth member of their growing harem.
Nami was making clip-on chassis extension ears and tail. Remember Lien order short floppy dog ears.
I thought she had panda ears . . .wait I think I am thinking of someone else
They were cat ears, Scottish Fold cat ears. XD
panel 2 : trope subverted 😀
I expect Axel to say that he can’t get involved with someone under his control (since he spoke her True Name to preempt the Demon Prince attempting to do the same.)
While i am sure Phil is interested more in her ears and tail, given Kate and Michelle(…did i spell that right?) i wouldn’t be surprised if he’s developed a permanent taste for…huge tracks of land.
Is it sad or funny that she promptly thinks it’s because of her ample bosom and not because of her ears and tail(s)?
Neither. She’s a kitsune. She knows what she has and how to use it. It’s their whole thing in mythology
She’s seen Kate and Michelle, and the common denominator between them wasn’t the ears 😉
misunderstandings are funny but proper communication is better in the long run
Ears and tails, Phil saw all of them. But Axel wouldn’t know that.
So – it’s all about the ample floof!
I still ship Axel with the cute diner girl who could see his demonic pests
If you are talking about who I’m thinking of… That’s really funny. If not… I’m blanking on who you are talking about.
Not everyone cares about huge…..tracts of land
Just because Alex is her master, dosen´t mean he owns her.