Are you implying it was not already lewd?!
*NOTE- streaming time is changed due to Daylight Savings Time!* Streaming tonight at 8pm EDT over at!

Are you implying it was not already lewd?!
*NOTE- streaming time is changed due to Daylight Savings Time!* Streaming tonight at 8pm EDT over at!
. . .now I am kinda hoping to see what Phil wants Kate to do, before we cut away to something else.
Its sage we are talking about here, he will draw as lewd as he thinks he can get away with then cut away.
It’s also Phil who’s coming up with the idea, and he can see through illusions, so…
My assumption is that Phil asked Kate to start dressing up other people, be it herself, Phil, or both of them, up in illusions as well. I understand why Phil wouldn’t think it’s that different from what’s happening with Michelle at the moment, though the prep work does involve the people in question removing their clothing, which is a bit risqué.
Of course, Phil can also see straight through illusions, so he gets a pleasant eyeful if I’m correct.
Well in the VR Phil was rocking the catgirl body nicely so who knows?