If all goes well – I’ll be streaming tonight at 8pm EDT over at Picarto.tv/SageSaga! I’m currently sick, so I am just hoping I feel better tomorrow. I’ll probably stream regardless, but I will probably keep it short if I am still feeling sick.

If all goes well – I’ll be streaming tonight at 8pm EDT over at Picarto.tv/SageSaga! I’m currently sick, so I am just hoping I feel better tomorrow. I’ll probably stream regardless, but I will probably keep it short if I am still feeling sick.
If Phil were to walk in right now, things would get awkward very quickly. Especially since I think that new outfit is magic…
Nice outfit!
everyone else “you two stop that right now”
Or they are getting popcorn
Heh, yup!
I don’t see the apartment surviving a clash between an ascended kitsune and the embodiment of power…
I fully expect the fight to be moved somewhere else rather than taking place right there. Possibly the same place where Phil trains for instance or maybe they’ll have Lia (I think that’s Water’s name, been a while) teleport them someplace safely away from others.
Have Phil referee, as the only one that can actually separate them and make them go back to neutral corners. He might even suggest it himself, to make sure his friends don’t hurt each other seriously.
you forget what Yuki is, what makes you think this will be a physical fight?
Foxy baff suit time!
The quick brown fox jumps all over the quick blue fox. “Challenge accepted! I’m letting my tits just hang out like that.” Well, it looks good, so far.
Will this end with neither one of them able to walk properly?
Come on Emi! See through Yuki’s button mashing.
The saying, “Beware the Old Man in a Young Man’s game.”, comes to mind here.
There is also the age old saying, “The bigger the boobs, the harder they fall onto you.”
Emi is stubborn, but she shouldn’t mistake emotional strength for physical (or magical).
Much as I like Emi, she’s about to get rekt. Having one of the powers in you doesn’t make it yours. Meanwhile, Yuki is one of the celestials. You don’t get a spot on a team like that without meeting pretty high qualifications. Qualifications Emi falls far short of.
OH WOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWW REALLY GOT ME THERE, and what does she mean by “having her power abused”?
She’s the magi of power, presumably that type of magic can be used for Monkey’s paw or Genie style wish granting as well as the lightning storm and monster control aspects. (it might even be power herself talking in that first line)
oh, i thought power meant like brute force
Not stealing, copying.