Once again I face the dilemma. The comment section simply saying “no comments” is so perfect, and commenting will ruin it, but comment will come regardless after a bit. So is it not best to immortalize the “no comments”.
No comment.
Is that a goblin shortstack Ranma? Nice.
I’d watch it, lol.
Me: -wanting to comment about “wishing we didn’t need censorship”-
Also me: -discovers there’s a comment section, despite having been reading the comic for literal years-
Also, also me: -wastes first ever comment on this stupid comment-
But in all actual seriousness, I love this comic so much. I have literally been reading this comic for… at least 12 years… (I’ve been reading since before moving to North Carolina, and that was 12 years ago haha)
Thanks for reading! ^_^ Yeah we will be hitting the 20 year anniversary soon o_o;
There’s also streams on picarto every Friday and Saturday! Including one tonight at 8 PM EST if you feel like stopping on by
Do we *need* censorship!? I mean, we don’t want to get tired by too much nudity et cetera, but isn’t comics still laboring under self censoring? (Which then becomes tiresome too.)
I’m not sure how to embrace Yosh becoming adult. Will there be cake!?
Did they casuially forget that there is the occasional succubus in the building XD
The existence of Goblins, etc. is public (prime time news) knowledge in Yosh!, but not necessarily that the Demon World and its inhabitants exist.
Yeah, Demons aren’t commonly known creatures in the Yosh! world. Even if they were roaming the forests- they would likely be mistaken for goblins or other such creatures if they weren’t in animal or human forms. She’s not implying that demons AREN’T real, just that pursuing the kind of goblins in the world of Yosh! would be a terrible mistake.
weren’t there like 3 or 4 demon rituals preformed in the run of this series how are demons not on anyone’s radar for tailoring mass media content?
Irl people try to summon deamons and the like, if four succeeded amidst all those and got dealt with imeadtly do you think the general populace would believe they were real?
Yes, that’s very much it. Just like certain episodes of cartoons like Captain Planet and the Planeteers are banned in Australia because they teach how harmless spiders are when there are no harmless spiders in Australia.
We are pretty much the antipode up in northern Europe and all our spiders and snakes are harmless.
Well, you don’t want children to get bitten by our one venomous snake, but more people die from allergic reactions to wasps so you don’t want people to needlessly kill snakes.
Is ANYTHING “harmless” in Australia?
Some of the sheep.
An isekai anime about a genderbending redhead goblin shortstack?
I’d watch it lol!
. . .wait don’t demons exist too how the heck did demon one get made into an anime then?
The good shows don’t get series and vice versa also, KATE’S BOOBS
Once again I face the dilemma. The comment section simply saying “no comments” is so perfect, and commenting will ruin it, but comment will come regardless after a bit. So is it not best to immortalize the “no comments”.
No comment.
Is that a goblin shortstack Ranma? Nice.
I’d watch it, lol.
Me: -wanting to comment about “wishing we didn’t need censorship”-
Also me: -discovers there’s a comment section, despite having been reading the comic for literal years-
Also, also me: -wastes first ever comment on this stupid comment-
But in all actual seriousness, I love this comic so much. I have literally been reading this comic for… at least 12 years… (I’ve been reading since before moving to North Carolina, and that was 12 years ago haha)
Thanks for reading! ^_^ Yeah we will be hitting the 20 year anniversary soon o_o;
There’s also streams on picarto every Friday and Saturday! Including one tonight at 8 PM EST if you feel like stopping on by
Do we *need* censorship!? I mean, we don’t want to get tired by too much nudity et cetera, but isn’t comics still laboring under self censoring? (Which then becomes tiresome too.)
I’m not sure how to embrace Yosh becoming adult. Will there be cake!?
Did they casuially forget that there is the occasional succubus in the building XD
The existence of Goblins, etc. is public (prime time news) knowledge in Yosh!, but not necessarily that the Demon World and its inhabitants exist.
Yeah, Demons aren’t commonly known creatures in the Yosh! world. Even if they were roaming the forests- they would likely be mistaken for goblins or other such creatures if they weren’t in animal or human forms. She’s not implying that demons AREN’T real, just that pursuing the kind of goblins in the world of Yosh! would be a terrible mistake.
weren’t there like 3 or 4 demon rituals preformed in the run of this series how are demons not on anyone’s radar for tailoring mass media content?
Irl people try to summon deamons and the like, if four succeeded amidst all those and got dealt with imeadtly do you think the general populace would believe they were real?
Yes, that’s very much it. Just like certain episodes of cartoons like Captain Planet and the Planeteers are banned in Australia because they teach how harmless spiders are when there are no harmless spiders in Australia.
We are pretty much the antipode up in northern Europe and all our spiders and snakes are harmless.
Well, you don’t want children to get bitten by our one venomous snake, but more people die from allergic reactions to wasps so you don’t want people to needlessly kill snakes.
Is ANYTHING “harmless” in Australia?
Some of the sheep.
An isekai anime about a genderbending redhead goblin shortstack?
I’d watch it lol!
. . .wait don’t demons exist too how the heck did demon one get made into an anime then?
The good shows don’t get series and vice versa also, KATE’S BOOBS