Only in a fantasy comic world do we have friendly conversations with people coming through your window wanting to help. At least she’s not a stranger.

Only in a fantasy comic world do we have friendly conversations with people coming through your window wanting to help. At least she’s not a stranger.
Well this is interesting
Kate’s harem powers are increasing…
So what is Yuki’s offer of help going to be? It would be neat if she could use her powers to ensure that only those on the guest list would be able to find the venue, that anybody else who tries to attend just inexplicably finds themselves getting lost somewhere miles away from the wedding.
Beyond helping, what position in wedding does she want? (;ŏ﹏ŏ)
Well, if they have to give up on getting an officiator for a local wedding, they could pass through the Celestial Portal Messilia and Kate made — I expect Yuki is qualified to officiate over a marriage literally made in heaven.
That’s a pretty standard Kitsune trick. Should be fun.