Just in case anyone missed this- I know some people got it in the comments, but while she can find people she knew, that doesn’t mean they will know her. So she could track down a soul that belonged to her closest friend, and they would have no idea who she was.

have phils eyes always been half green half blue or is it a weird shading thing from his glasses?
It looks somewhat similar in color to Yuki’s eyes. I’m thinking the wrong layer was kept.
this is sweet and adorable
Glad it was explained in the comment under the comic because I was clueless on this one this time. Phil once again showing he has a big heart.
tyvm for the explanation, it’s one of those things where my autism means I wouldn’t catch implications the characters do. And with it being your worldbuilding, it’s not a subtlety I can look up like less magically focused social mistakes.
Don’t worry, it’s not just autism that makes this page’s content less-than-obvious.
Yuki is a smol dot. But lovely whichever age we imagine she has!
Based on her story about being in Japan, She was already over 1000 at least 800 years ago.
Thanks, grandpa!
(Just joking, I’m sure it isn’t based on personal experience of the time.)
There’s a hentai with a very serious plot like that. The temple vixen falls in love with a young man and lives out his life with him but actually reveals when he dies that she’s in charge of the Book that determines the final rest of a soul. So she abuses her power to reincarnate him and meets him/her in all his countless lives, to the point that the universe dies and restarts and she’s still doing it. All framed as her telling the story to you, the reader, as the latest in an endless series of reincarnations of her perfect love.
can i get a name?
After a fair amount of sifting through pages the comic is called Toki Ga Kuchite Mo. Artist is Kame and it can be found on hitomi.la
Just accept the hug in the sentiment it’s offered, granny fox.
I clearly got it all backwards — I expected the “other side” to move with almost infinite slowness when “releasing the soul’s burdens”, but from Yuki’s reaction to Phil’s guess, the souls of some or all of her friends and family have already reached the point of forgetting.
and now all the times Phil acted clueless about something obvious are immediately called into question