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Can we get the recipe for bublegum ice cream? I’m kinda curious now.

Heavy Cream, Milk, Eggs, and the secret ingredient- Bubblegum flavoring. Yep. You just gotta buy the flavoring, put a few drops in. Then you can add a little bit of red food coloring to the batch to make it pink, or don’t, it will just look like vanilla ice cream but taste like bubblegum. The flavoring you can buy on amazon, it’s a bit pricy but a little bit goes a long way. Legit, like 1/4th of a teaspoon for a whole quart of ice cream.
I usually make 1 quart servings. So its 2 Eggs (Med or Large), 2 cups of heavy cream, 1 cup of milk. 3/4 of a cup of sugar (some people used condensed milk which has some sugar in it already which reduces the need for the extra sugar).
Basic instructions.
– Whisk Eggs for a couple minutes.
– Add sugar a bit and wisk into the eggs.
– Temper the eggs with simmered milk (this is a way you get the eggs heated without cooking them and making scrambled eggs on accident- you add a bit of heated milk to the eggs bringing their temp up so you dont have cooked raw eggs but you also “cook” the eggs for anyone using eggs that aren’t safe to eat raw. Aka people who dont live in the US or Japan or- i forget the other countries that pasteurize all their eggs (CORRECTION – They are not all pasteurized! This was a misunderstanding I had, Japan and the US and several other countries have a very strict cleaning and inspection requirement for eggs still in their shells that DRASTICALLY reduces the chances of egg related bacteria making it MOSTLY safe) . I always do it regardless because my family sometimes gets eggs from a local friend that doesn’t pasteurize which (I made a joke about it being illegal to sell non-pasteurized eggs- its illegal to sell non-pasteurized egg PRODUCTS aka like eggs in a carton, dried eggs etc etc- raw eggs is fine) Ice cream is too good to have food poisoning because of!)
-Mix them all together and you have your base- as it is mixing add 4-6 drops or 1/4th of a teaspoon of flavoring – add color of you want.
– Pour thickened mixture into ice cream churner (you can make no-churn but churned I think is better). Let the churner go till its all mixed up and frozen into a soft serve like consistency. Scoop out- put it in a freezer safe container- freeze for a few hours and bam- all done.

Um Phill, the US does not at all require eggs to be pasteurized, only egg products that that are removed from there shell are required to be. Less than 3% of eggs sold in their shells are pasteurized in the US. So not at all safe to eat raw in the states.

Correct- I was told that all eggs in the US sold at stores are generally safe to eat because of the common egg related bacteria doesn’t generally exist on the eggs because we pasteurize them all. The truth is, they are all cleaned, only outside of the egg products are required to be pasteurized. The confusion stems from how it is GENERALLY safe to consume raw eggs in America, because the chances of getting Salmonella from the inside of an egg is lower than the outside. So the cleaning done prevents most chances of getting Salmonella.

The US and Japan heavily regulate the process of eggs sold in stores, and egg PRODUCTS (anything not in a shell) has to be pasteurized. So, since I don’t trust Susan down the street with being up to date on checking to make sure her hens don’t have ovarian bacterial infections, but I can generally trust them to clean the eggs, I still find it safer to only eat store bought, and I still temper the eggs (Which doesnt cook them but brings them up to about 145F which kills off Salmonella without COOKING the eggs).

I have updated my understanding of the process. Thank you 😀

Even with the outer sell being clean the FDA does not advise eating them raw. The reason is the cleaning process of the shell actually thins it in the process and makes it easier for outside bacteria to get through the shell. Its a trade off of lowering the risk of a specific bacteria vs general ones. The reason that Japanese eggs are mosly safe is do to how careful they are with the chickens. If even one gets sick they kill every bird in the building. They are extremely agressive in wiping out any and all potential patients zeros. Their egg treatments also differs. Even then its still not completley safe.

No, it’s not perfect, but both US and Japan’s systems are thorough enough that, it’s very rare and contaminated batches that do get through are usually discovered and destroyed before reaching shelves. The cleaning of the shells removes a coating that helps protect the eggs, but that is why those in the US and Japan store their eggs in the fridge while in other countries that don’t do the same process will leave their eggs out at room temperature. Even still – as I said, my recipe does not call for the eggs to be eaten raw, it calls for it to be tempered, which brings the eggs up hot enough to kill salmonella like pasteurizing them does.

Around here we test for salmonella and use restrictions for bird flu areas. And Scandinavians don’t trust the ovaries of US or Japan (say): “Do not eat raw eggs from countries other than Sweden, Norway, Finland and Denmark as there is a risk that they contain salmonella.”

Unfortunately salmonella survives freezing but applying heat for sufficient time will kill off enough of them: “Salmonella dies when the yolk becomes viscous and creamy. An egg yolk that is firm, creamy but not runny has by a good margin been heated enough to kill salmonella. This applies to both fried and boiled eggs.” [Quotes from the Swedish Food Agency.]

Fun fact. Gum is a tree sap, and it was invented in Mexico, not the US. By the Mexican leader, De La Santa. He was marching with his men when he saw them chewing hardened tree sap, just for the kick of it, and when he tried some, he called it “Chickle” for “chewing.”

Hence, chewing gum.

Fun fact, this apparently goes back all the way to Aztec and Mayan civilization and Mexico didn’t exist back then. The first major company to use that original material in the creation of chewing gum was American and in 1899. And that’s not Bubblegum flavor, real bubblegum flavor came out even later.

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