“We need to move on to the Wedding already-”
“Ok ok, but first, let’s make sure we put in some foreshadowing.”
“For the crazy things that happen later?”
“No, for the kids.”
“Wait- we’ve been doing that for years with the Mother’s and Father’s day fillers.”
“Technically those aren’t canon.”
“But everyone knows already that they are going to have kids-”
“Sage? Who are you talking to?”
“J-Just some friends online!”
“Who was that?!”
“Shhhhh- We’re not crazy.”
“You are SOOOO right about that.”
“Totally agree.”
*Sage all alone in his room late at night with no sleep*

Eppy Sage..
even has a running bio going 😀
I don’t remember. Help with what? The child rearing? The child making? Introducing Phil to a dozen potential mothers with varied genetic background, for science?
Here ya go – This page and the page after it.
Dammit, granny fox…
It is the F2 crossings Yuki wants to look closer at. *A huge censor club hammers the incest suggestion*
So Sage has marriage plans!? Best laid plans of mice and men …
…Are sometimes interrupted by hateful bigots whom certain people may be related to.
I hope we aren’t heading for a Kate-strophe!
Pretty sure their friends are working to head off Kate’s F.B.D. and the stupid people she associates with. Which means anyone who does get through the wire is going to be…. Interesting.
It’s okay Sage, I’m real. At least I think I am.
this is adorable, surprising, but adorable
Has it ever been established whether Phil is the Null Magi or a baseline the Null Element selected as an avatar? Kate crossed with Phil could be two Chimeras or a Chimera and a baseline.
I could be incorrect, but he’s specifically the reincarnation of the Null mage. By a technicality the Null element doesn’t exist, it’s a by product of being blessed by the four natural elements. If I recall correctly the majority of Phil’s powers are just by products of the four elements augmenting his reincarnation to survive assasination attempts in prepubescence to prevent his reincarnation.
yeah I tend to lay down and just talk to myself, my characters, or fictional people I really like. I know it might SOUND CRAZY…. but it really is a great way to look at problems from different angles you yourself wouldn’t think of.