A menace! Also, this is mostly an answer to how similar are Kitsune in Yosh! to how they are in the mythology. In Yosh! – Kitsune are known for being mischievous, but not particularly malicious. They live long lives so when they interact with mortals, they often can’t help but do and say things to get big reactions and to incite action.

Ah, so it’s flirt of be flirted? Then the kitsune’s delight must be maintained! Prepare to flirt!
The expression o-o Well that was fast
i love the facial expressions for panels 2 and 4
A stack of stacks, inciting …ctions.
With Yuki’s expression in that last panel, Michelle should have been giving her oo-mox. (Oo-mox is the act of massaging a Ferengi’s ears, had to look up for spelling)
Fox ears are quite sensitive and given she’s partly humanoid they may also be an erogenous zone, as such probably better to not rub her ears without permission.
this calls for more videogame consoles