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I bet $10 they’re sitting on the bed, holding hands and blushing. Sage better apply a spoiler pattern over their hands touching, too.

Thanks for the page!

Neither of them are that innocent (in the child-like innocence use of the term). Yuki spent a night playing with Demoness (between pages 2573 & 2574), and Michelle… okay, I don’t have anything that blindingly obvious for Michelle, especially off the top of my head.

How many rooms do they have? There is the balcony, the wardrobe, bathroom and I think the kitchen was also a separate room. While I would like to see Yuki becoming a part of this extended family, she and Michelle could be doing something completely different.

while i agree they might be gettin’ dirty in bed, i genuinely believe “lewd” is recently made up word due to not hearing it for 20 years, nothing against you Sage

Apparently the word is over 1100 years old, according to Dictionary.Com: “First recorded before 900; Middle English leud, lewed, Old English lǣwede “lay, unlearned””

A rocky road that word’s had innit.
Still, tho I’ve heard it’s stronger – and usage seems so here, it feels to me like someone calling something R rated “backroom material” when they don’t know how far it goes in the backroom of the video house.

“Fetish” has a weirder origin, even if it’s more commonly known due to internet trivia. Paraphrasing, it was originally a word specifically for “divine artifacts”, before expanding into “mediums of magic”, “objects of worship” and other such “mystical charms”.

Then “fetishism” was used to describe the worship of fetishes, before someone used the word “fetish” and “fetishism” to describe sexual deviancy.

All words are made up.

You made that up, with your nifty “words”. 👏 Languages co-evolve with populations, historically their migrations, which seems to explain that the last common ancestor to existing languages is about 5,000 years old.

More intriguingly it has been claimed that the earliest myths are about as old, the last common ancestor likely to have been a tale about a dangerous smith. Advanced technology not accessible to everyone may have been seen as dangerous. And now it is D&D material … 😺

“He cooks his family, he’s crazy” … That would put me off from buying at the Happy Hog, to be honest. :-/

It’s a joke about how a lot of BBQ places have a pig/hog as their mascot/icon and often put a chef hat on them or have them serving food- at a place that mostly sells pork. That part always seemed weird to me. What kinda pig would happily serve BBQ? A crazy cannibal one?

@ Sage: Ones in Australia probably wouldn’t have any trouble with a lot of it. Okay, they’d reject selling sausages, but an Aussie talking about BBQ is literally just talking about the primary cooking implement and doesn’t have the weird pork-specific connotations that I’ve heard parts of the US have. And pork-steak is too easy to overcook, particularly if you don’t marinate it, and I think we mostly default to beef or lamb.

Though, I think we also have less BBQ “Places” than the US, as it’s mostly a family backyard thing here.

Where I live the rest of the world seems to have weird horse-specific connotations, their meat is tasty when smoked. But I had the opportunity to also try donkey in Mexico and that was weird.

Sausages (and haggis) are weird but I eat them, and I am the only one that loves lamb in my family. Shellfish are weird but I eat some of them too, but the land living ones I try not to. (The occasional fly can be accidentally ingested when I’m biking, say.)

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