It’s very much about her… Toyoko has kinda always felt incompetent, especially when compared to the others, unable to realize her own personal strong points.

It’s very much about her… Toyoko has kinda always felt incompetent, especially when compared to the others, unable to realize her own personal strong points.
From my observation Toyoko has the most heart, and whilst the others specialize and as such are in the spot light, sometimes being the heart of the group is the most important thing.
Toyoko is so successful in her personal life – dating the rich and famous – that her work life must seem unglamorous in comparison. Maybe she should position herself as relations expert and show Phil how it’s done?
Toyoko is also a succesful You Tuber, with her clothing channal.
It was noticed when she critized a certain senator.
Toyoko is a trustworthy person, and also trusting. . . which made her easier for the dishonest CID worker to fool. That’s probably why she feels like she messed up.
On the other hand, all of her communications with the CID are probably so innocent and polite that when the legal team begins dissecting that CID agent there will be no evidence of anything but good faith on Toyoko’s part.