Late posting this – but It’s done! Shiden is legit just giving Rieko jobs where she dresses up and looks busy and does minor jobs…
Streaming tonight over at at 8pm!

Late posting this – but It’s done! Shiden is legit just giving Rieko jobs where she dresses up and looks busy and does minor jobs…
Streaming tonight over at at 8pm!
i have a number of questions
Hey didn’t Shiden kinda count as a god for having created life?
Yes, but we don’t tell him that. His ego is already the size of a small moon
Don´t tell Toyoko either.
Lets be real, he knows. He is making a joke here calling himself a higher power. He probably was watching and listening to Yuki through security cams, we know he tends to record and watch after he showed Kates dad the footage of her life. And as if he wouldn’t be intrested in what Yuki a new source of info knows. She also likly wouldn’t know to look out for cameras.
At least half the population of the apartment/base are androids. if he was interested in knowing he’d know without the prepositioned cameras
You forget. Yuki was mindful of the androids, and Nami sure as hell wouldn’t tell him.
“A wish *with* a higher power” sounds kind of weird..I’d expect “from”? I mean, it’s not really an error or anything, arguably a stylistic diction choice or something…
It’s “with” if they are holding it for you, like a favor, or a room/couch/car you can borrow while in town.
Interesting, I genuinely haven’t seen that usage of ‘with’ before.
I’m with you in this – I first read it as that the wish would have higher power. Which of course it will have if it is *granted* by some such boss agent … but it made me do a double read.
In this case remember that rather than create the wish she will probably involve herself in it. Like if she asks for a mother Yuki will pretty much just adopt her. So in this case Yuki is kind of part of the wish, so with may also fit better do to that.
Great now Im waiting for a ” WHERE IS MY SUPERSUIT!” Scene With “Im the highest power you should know” oppsed to ” Im the greatest good you know”