I’m giving my fictional characters problems I wish I had. A job so easy and well paying that its boring to do for a few hours every few days XD

I’m giving my fictional characters problems I wish I had. A job so easy and well paying that its boring to do for a few hours every few days XD
🎶 You can leave your hardhat on.
I know in context to the story we’ve seen at large we hardly ever see her. As well as she’s only dressed up in uniform once prior to this. But it’d be adorable to see a sketch filler page one day with all the various uniforms and knick nacks Shiden had her wear because she makes the perfect straight man to his comedy routine.
I think earnestly, the issue isn’t so much of it being so easy that it’s boring, but that it’s just. unfulfilling work. Work is being invented for her to do that doesn’t need to be done, So it’s. Not helping anyone or doing anything productive. If anything in some cases it’s making *more* work for other people to have to do which feels not super great.
Yep – She doesnt really know what she wants to do and so Shiden keeps just giving her stuff she can do in hopes she finds something shes interested in- but he’s not being helpful in picking things relevant to her XD
I mean she could be an assistant reporter for Kate’s future step aunt… those two seemed to get along well