I do enjoy the difference between drawing/writing Life and Death vs drawing/writing Shion and Aster. Children are weird balls of emotions.

I do enjoy the difference between drawing/writing Life and Death vs drawing/writing Shion and Aster. Children are weird balls of emotions.
It look like Shion needs a hug and a hanky to dry her tears.
Never underestimate the therapeutic power of a hug
someone need a grampa hug
“Children are weird balls of emotions.” Or in this case, balls of weird emotions.
Actually it’s likely a bit of both. Children are developing, so their emotions are their own (as much as adults project their own emotions on them). Cue 25 years of age, when the average human brain stops developing and turns adult. “You got you traffic license at 18!? Terrific …”
That should have been “driving license”.
who’s that?
That’s the former representative for the Celestial realm, before Yuki took over. He was born in Atlantis and knew the twins before he ascended. He retired from his job for the Celestial realm so he could help raise the twins.
No matter how sad little Shion is, this is still a good development. They’re getting in touch with their humanity, after they’d been without it for so long. And hey – Sadness is the root of empathy.
Slight correction sir, “You four”