Next updates will be Fillers for My birthday and then Thanksgiving! Have a great week folks!
Streaming tonight over at at 8pm!

Next updates will be Fillers for My birthday and then Thanksgiving! Have a great week folks!
Streaming tonight over at at 8pm!
oof, dang
A little makeup to create fake ear seams. Eye color, obviously prescription novelty contacts, because why not. “Coolest grandpa.”
And hair colors, not an issue. So many girls with amazing dye jobs in the area. Pure white and pure black, not even an issue.
You are an ancient immortal celestial of Atlantean origin in a world with access to magics beyond our comprehension. Surely you can do better than a hood.
Learn the vulcan solute and people wont question the ears.
What is wrong about Grampy showing his grandchildren around?
Go get Kate. Or state that you’re their grandpa. It’s as close to accurate as possible, though the ear thing would still raise a few eyebrows.
Don’t really see an issue, you’d be surprised what kind of body mods old people have, and then there are people who naturally have sort of pointy ears or really uncanny valley features like eighties’ Kevin Bacon.
Just get him an hat with those ear flaps to cover the ears.